The man chuckled and put his hands in his trouser's pockets.

"I'm Dean Foundry." He introduced himself. "I'm the new dean of discipline here at Liberty."

I recall Charlie mentioning something about a new dean coming to the school, but I didn't expected it to be in the middle of the year. 

"Oh." Charlie mumbled. "That's... nice?"


I looked at Charlie again with a what-the-fuck look as he shrugged at me with panic clear in his eyes.

"Umm... yeah."

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything more." Dean Foundry replied, clearly amused by our reactions towards him. "Anyway, I was going to call you two one-by-one in my office to introduce myself, and talk about some things. But I think now it's not necessary as I got to meet you two together."

"You wanted to meet us..." I repeated, processing his words. "Why?"

"Not just you two," He replied. "I'm meeting with many students today that hold some control over other peers and that can help to cause disruptions to the student body and learning environment."

So basically he doesn't trust us.

"So, do you two know anything about the smashed security cameras?"

Foundry pointed towards the end of the hallway where some men were replacing the cameras.

The school has been replacing the cameras continuously for the past two weeks. Turns out, somebody has been smashing them at sometime most nights.

"No, Sir." Charlie replied, frowning as I also shook my head in denial. "We don't know anything about the cameras."

The Dean stayed silent as he observed our faces in search of a lie, but then sighed.

"Alright but if you find out anything, don't hesitate to come to my office." He replied, and we nodded in return. "Also, be present during tomorrow's study hall. I'll be personally supervising it. Have a good day!"

We stared at his retreating back in confusion, wondering how were we supposed to have a good day when Liberty was on brim of turning into a prison.

Because Dean Foundry stayed true to his word and was watching over our study hall period the next day. 

Tyler and Tony has the same study hall this week with us, and as Tyler researched some things for his project on a computer, Tony decided to sit at our table with his thoughts.

Zach was back at school today, with a limping leg and a fractured hand. He has, again, brushed me off when I asked about the night of the Find your Drink party.

It was clear he was hiding something, but I had no way to get it out of him. 

"Okay." I muttered, reading the text in the handbook.  "Es dudoso que... lloverá mañana."

Charlie was great in Spanish. According to him, he got a whiff of the language when he lived with his grandmother in Seattle for 2 years. Turns out, there are lot of immigrants at that part of the state.

So, as a blooming student in the language, I asked him for help which he agreed to. But looking at his amused face now after reading that sentence I questioned myself about how much behind I actually was than expected.

"What?" I asked Tony, who was sitting in front of us. He may have been lost in his thoughts but he still glanced at me the same moment Charlie found my Spanish funny.

"What?" He repeated, giving me a questioning look. "Nothing."

"See, you're using "que," Charlie started explaining instead. "So it has to be the subjunctive. The subjunctive mood can also be used when expressing a speaker's feelings about a perceived reality." 

The confusion on my face must've been cleared because he lightly chuckled and continued explaining with an example.

""I'm sorry you're cold." Siento que tengas frío."

I shook my head at him in a defeated look, and he nodded too.

"Tony, I'm sorry you have to hear this." We turned towards Tony again. "You could school us both."

"Yes, but it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining."

All of us chuckled at that, but stopped instantly when the PA system beeped. 

"May I have your attention, please?" It was Principal Bolan. "We are currently moving into a lockdown situation. Code Red."

Everyone was looking at each other in doubt, even Dean Foundry as Bolan continued giving instructions.

"This is a hard lockdown. Staff, please initiate lockdown procedures immediately. Students, please do not panic, and listen closely to this announcement and the instructions of your teacher. Seek immediate shelter in the nearest classroom. I repeat. This is a Code Red.
Hard lockdown."

"Code Red. That's active shooter, right?" 

"Yeah," I nodded in reply to Charlie's question. "It's gotta be another stupid drill."

"OK, listen up, please!" Foundry shouted to grab everyone's attention. "I need students
to help barricade the doors."

He was shouting orders and students started slowly panicking. Some were looking bored, mostly because the school tends to perform these type of drills once a semester. But the Dean looked alarmed and was taking all the precautionary measures.

"He, uh, doesn't look like he was expecting a drill." I heard Charlie pointing out but I just nodded in reply. Because my attention was all on Tony, who looked more panicked than Dean Foundry. 

"What is it?" I asked him as he stood up from his seat. Lights were turned off for precautionary measurers but Tony looked annoyed now.

"Tyler's gone."

Well, fuck.

The Thoughts Between Us // CHALEXTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon