Rewinding Memories

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Gura feels nauseous. The world is spinning around her and all she can think of is 'why Ame?' with a sense of betrayal. Part of her had wondered what it was like to time travel. Another part of her didn't want to ever go down that train of thought and just lived with Amelia doing it on her own. But now...

She doesn't even know where– when she is going. In what somehow feels both like a mere moment and also an entire day, the world stops spinning. Gura lets the watch clatter to the ground and holds her head. She feels as though she's going to throw up. She's breathing heavily and crouching down low to the ground in her apartment hallway. After a moment the sickness passes and her eyes dart around the place nervously. 'Do I still live here?' The place looks the same as before. The picture of her and her friends is on the wall. Seeing Amelia smiling in the picture gives her a pang of anger. "If that moron thinks she can just get away with this..." Gura looks down at the watch. It's ticking normally and says the same time it did when Amelia gave it to her; 1:02pm. Gura picks it up and glares at it. She feels the urge to crush it under her fingers, but refrains. She'd never get back that way, and...

Her anger softens. Amelia would be crushed.

She puts the watch in her pocket and pulls out her phone. Connected to the internet, the date has updated.

It's the next day. Exactly twenty-four hours passed. Gura's hand shakes. "Oh no..." She's panicking again. "Watson, you little shit, you knew!" Gura really wants to crush the watch now but instead opens her contacts and clicks call on Amelia's number. She hears Amelia's ringtone coming from her own bedroom and ends the call, storming over to the door and throwing it open. Amelia is there, passed out, snoring lightly, in Gura's own bed. She bristles. The nerve.

Gura grabs the bed sheets and yanks them out from underneath Amelia, who yelps as she startles awake. "Hey! What the hell!?"

Gura grabs a pillow and throws it in Amelia's face. "You're getting mad at me!?" She bares her teeth, hoping to look intimidating. "You've got some nerve sleeping in my bed and acting as if you own the place after sending me to the damn future, Amelia Watson!"

Amelia groans and sits up on the now sheetless bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes."What, didn't enjoy the trip?"

Gura struggles to keep the rage from causing her to do anything she'll regret. "No, I didn't. Send me back."

Amelia stiffens. She seems at a loss for what to say. That knowing look she always seems to have in her eyes is gone. Some part of Gura finds satisfaction in this. Amelia responds after a moment. "Give me my watch."

Gura stuffs her hand in her pocket and pulls the watch out. Amelia's eyes track it very carefully. "You want this?" Gura holds it up. She can see the way Amelia's shoulders are tight and her eyes are glued to the watch.

"Y-yes. It's mine. Please, give it back." She's pleading. She can tell Gura's intentions.

Gura lets her anger turn into vindictive superiority. "No, I don't think I will. I think I'll keep it for a while." She holds it to her chest.

It's Amelia's turn to panic. "Gura- look, I'm sorry! I'll send you back, okay? But I need the watch to do that. Please give it back." Amelia is begging now. She's gotten off the bed and is moving towards Gura. Gura puts the watch in her pocket again. Amelia wouldn't be able to take it away from her. She's just a human. One who no longer had the power to undo time.

Gura feels some measure of guilt over this. She realizes she'll probably feel more guilty later. But right now she's riding the high of her anger and it feels good. She'd never realized how smug Amelia always seemed to be, how she just – she just always knew what you were going to say or do. Seeing her vulnerable like this – it should've made her feel worse. But just for this moment, Gura revels in it.

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