Chapter 10- A new place

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As I fell I could not see much, it all had a black haze but it cleared up I saw myself. I was legitimately broken or shattered was a better way to put it, I still couldn't move and I was this dark gray color, all the cracks being black. It didn't seem that anyone noticed me falling or well cared, maybe there was no one where I was as well. After I fell onto what seemed like the ground, I lay there for a bit, once I felt that I could move on my own, I sat up hastily and look at myself again. I looked completely different, I had white fluff all over and purple marks from where the wolfs separated all my limbs, these marks were where my joints were. My hair was a purple that faded to pink on the bottom, I didn't have ears where I just had them a few minutes ago so I panicked a little until I felt the very top of my head, I felt two big fluffy ears. I look down and I also see a fluffy tail that looked like one of a wolfs, I also had some part of my leg with a arch type thing

I get up and look around this place, I realize where I was I'm in hell.. I admit to myself, this is what Thing wanted.. me to be here. "Welcome to my home" it says as it appears once again, no one that I could see saw Thing "Of course it's your fault I'm down here" I say slightly annoyed, having a separate entity that controlled when and if you die is stressful. I walk around, trying to get used to the clothes and other stuff I now had, it took a little to get used to it but I got better


Over a few days I get a apartment to stay in and a small job just to get me by for a while, this Radio Demon had started being on the news for the past few minutes or so, I was drinking my morning coffee as I seen it. "Huh.. new overlord" I say to myself in my lonely apartment and head to work as soon as I finish the coffee, I was a waitress at a small restaurant near the apartment building I lived at so I left around the time the place opened. I was bored as usual and I starred thru time as my lunch break came around and just was out of it, it was all a usual predictable day, nothing out of the ordinary so I sit in the corner of the main restaurant area with my head down


Not long after that day was my first extermination day so I stayed in my apartment all day, not wanting to be what I assumed as murdered but I didn't complain, I had everything I needed after all to at least get by for a bit, there was plenty of food since I tried to keep it stocked tho it was hard sometimes since the low pay from my job. I sat on the couch all day, mostly staying in the world between reality since the exterminators can't get there, it was odd that I saw this part coming but I could not see my death happen before it actually did, it was Thing's doing as he's apparently supposed to be torturing me hasn't really done that since I came down here except for a few kills here and there. Despite the mass murdering outside I stay calm since I didn't have much to fear, the exterminators could not see thru the window since I already had the blinds closed and I didn't move so they would hear me, I was doing alright compared to the fools who were outside.

I went to work the next day and got my pay check finally, I haven't got it for the past 2 weeks since I guess boss had a money shortage. I got work finished fast, today was a slow day and an average day at that, I walk down the streets and look around. I hadn't been to this part of Pentagram city yet, I look up and saw a sign that said 'Porn Studio' I did know what that was and I didn't like it one bit, it was odd that I saw something of me meeting someone or some people I knew but I was confused by this, I keep the place in mind as I continue walking around.

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