Chapter 9- When I shattered

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Thing as I've been calling it since it didn't have a name did another one of it's big murder sprees, which this may be odd to hear from me but I was mad, innocent people were killed for no absolutely reason. I'm glad Thing didn't use my casino work outfit, I don't need Husk to know about this or worry if he does. I put the clothes covered with blood into the closet, making sure no one would be able to see them as I get ready for work. I left for work nice and early as I try to do, lucky father hasn't figured out that I'm the same person that he poured the bleach on which made me more happy. I arrive and this time I beat Husk there, he usually comes in around the time the casino actually opens and our actual shift begins, he came in early today surprisingly only a little behind me. "How's your night been Husk" I ask curiously "Eh.. it was alright I guess.." I could tell something was on his mind but I didn't ask since I didn't want to invade his privacy but instead I hug him "That's good!" He didn't seem to mind the hug but I release anyway, I walk over to a black jack and shuffle the cards, I hear him put up some alcohol bottles on the shelves since there was quite a few people drinking last night. After I shuffle the cards at the tables, I go over and help him put up some beer, wine, and others of that such, I smile as I help him and he doesn't seem to mind the help, tho I was shorter than him so he had to help me from reach time to time. I felt something towards him tho I didn't quite understand what it was at the time.

After I left work that day, I didn't have a good feeling whatsoever about how tomorrow would turn out but hey, I was counting down and it was tomorrow officially 10 days before my 20th birthday and I was slightly excited about that. I go home and try to sneak around father even tho he didn't know who I really was I don't need to talk with him, I shut my room door and go into my closet to change back into my casual clothes. I take out a little necklace that was a gift from Val before he started doing well the drugs, it had a big clock on it and I sigh to myself, remembering all the nice moments with living with him and his brother of course, the sweetness of both of them letting me into their home I will never forget their kindness, at least that's what I thought


The next day I walk up early, it wasn't a work day since I hadn't taken any days off in a while, I walk happily to Anthony's room and peek in, he was still asleep so I go back to my room and patiently wait for him to get up, not long later he wakes up. I smile as he checks on me by coming to my room "Morning Anthony!" I say in my usual happy voice "Morning little one" he didn't want to accidentally say the wrong name so he just called me 'little one' but I didn't mind at all. We both head to the door to go out to Al's house and I was going ahead of Anthony but when I didn't notice, father stopped Anthony, putting his arm in front of him on the door "There are reports of wolfs around here" I was too far to hear this "Well are ya gonna tell her that?" Anthony said as he pointed at me. "It's for the better" father said blankly and I look around noticing that Anthony wasn't near me. I look forward and spot wolfs, not just some random wolfs since they wasn't indigenous to this place, they were Val's wolfs I thought they would be nice but they were hungry so they charge at me, I could suddenly not move at all to run away "This is where it ends for your mortal life" Thing says from my head, in that instant I knew this was set up by it.. it was it's fault they were angry. They begin to rip me apart and Thing was keeping me from moving so I couldn't do anything, the last thing I remember seeing despite already being torn apart and decapitated, I saw Anthony crying when he saw me ripped apart.. then I started falling and did not see anything from that world...

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