Chapter 8: Wrench In My Plans

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Jerry: You're the fucking worst, you know that?

Asher: (Asleep) No... Noted...

Jerry: *Groan* Even in his sleep he's a sarcastic asshole...

Bradley: (Through Radio) Now on recent news,-

[Jerry looks over to the radio on the table next to Asher.]

Jerry: Did he really fix that radio?

Bradley: (Through Radio) -the murderous gang of crows that have been tormenting the occupants of our ruined city has decided to make it their home. According to reports, the crows seem to have made their nests on the Western Side of Pentagram City, close to the outskirts of the city. While the crows do not seem as hostile as they were before, they have already claimed a total of eighty-six demons through their two-week reign. It is advised that anyone who comes into contact with these crows is to keep their distance from them. As of now, it is unknown whether these crows are acting of their own volition, or, they are being commanded or even controlled by an unknown outside source. Could this be the work of an Overlord? Or just pure untapped bloodlust? Hopefully, we never find out!

Jerry: Huh... Looks like he did. Guess he does know how to fix things... Or just radios and trucks...

Background Noise: (Through Radio) *Smash* FUCK!

Jerry: What the hell?

[A smashing sound can be heard coming from the radio. Along with someone yelling out the word "fuck". Then the following conversation ensues through the radio between what appears to be the two news anchors.]

Bentley: (Through Radio & Yelling) *Serious Pain* AHHHH!!! IT'S HOT!!!

Bradley: (Through Radio & Yelling) THAT'S FOR THAT SHITTY CANNIBAL JOKE, YOU SON OF A-

News Station: (Through Radio) We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors!

Background Noise: (Through Radio) *Smashing Noise*

News Station: (Through Radio) You two! KNOCK IT OFF!!!

[The news station then cuts to what sounds like a commercial. Jerry looks at the radio confused.]

Jerry: Ehh... Ok.

[He walks over to the radio and turns it off.]


Jerry: Hm...

[Jerry looks back at Asher, then at half of the broken wrench on the table. He scratches the back of his head and groans in annoyance.]

Jerry: *Annoyed Groan* Dammit Asher...

[He starts walking back over to the metal door he entered from. As he approaches the door he deviates to a closet near the front door and opens it, he starts rummaging through it.]

Jerry: Maybe I should go out and get some fresh air... Might help with this fucking headache I have...

[Jerry grabs a large backpack from the closet and puts it on. It's bigger than the one Asher wore before, it seems to be tailored to fit Jerry. He closes the closet and places the backpack on his back.]

Jerry: Should get a new adjustable wrench as well... And buy some booze. *Chuckles*

[Jerry walks over to the middle door, opens it, walks through, and closes it behind himself.]

Two Hours and Forty-Five Minutes Later...

Jerry: Mmmm...

[Jerry is sitting on a bench on some sort of incline smoking a cigarette. The bench doesn't really fit him well, as he's taking up most of the bench by lying on his side. He takes a puff from the cigarette and blows some smoke out into the air in front of himself.]

Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat