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Whiplash's pov
Finally, i found you eggman. It's only been 4 months since the Timeeater.
I bounce off the walls, slamming into robots as i skid to a stop, panting slightly as eggman growls and i leap at him. Another robot grabs me and i yelp as it then explodes, a smirk rising on error's face as i stand to face the embony and golden hedgehog." Thanks big bro, he almost had me." " you really need to watch your footing Pincusion." " Pincusion?! I'll admit that's new" he laughs as eggman yells." Ah my favorite sibling pair. Such a shame this will be the last i see of either of you!" The door slams shut, and he pushes a lever on, as i feel a pulse of chaos energy as the 7 emeralds embedded in the celing glow bright and a portal opens in the center of them and it starts generating a vaccuum and sucking us up and i cry out, grabbing onto the robot to keep myself weighed down as error grabs onto my other arm and i grip onto him tightly, determined not to let go. My grip slips on the robot and i scream as we're both dragged through the portal, calling to the emeralds, and dragging them through behind me. Egghead then promptly destroys the control panel." I wish you horrible luck you two, you deserve it." Oblivious to the fact that the emeralds are gone he goes to grab them, only to gasp as he sees they're gone." What?! No!!!!"

Two humans ride strange vehicles that seem to float like flying insects across the ground, one human has black hair, shorter of the two, and wearing green, but the taller of the two has whiteish blond hair with a bright blue suit on, both racing, laughing as they do so. The portal rips open above the duo and the dual hedgehogs drop through, plopping onto the dry ground as the blue female hedgehog rips her head out of the ground." Bro look! Over here" she whips around to see the two brothers and the black hedgehog groans glitchily as he stands and looks at what has his blue original tensed up, spotting the humans and she finally asks.
" Who are you two, and which way is Green Hill?" This causes the brothers to gasp and the blue one hides behind the green one as he says calmly," i've never heard of a town called Green Hill, sorry, but i'm Chris, this is Martin, and you two are?" I look to error and he nods, telling me that we can trust these humans as i relax my quills and i say.
" i'm Whiplash, fastest thing alive, and this is my older brother Error, the God of Destruction." " quite the titles, what brings you here?" " our rival Eggman dropped us here, likely hoping the world would either kill or contain us." " yikes, here, how about we take you guys to the Tortuga? We're animal conservation scientists, and does your brother there talk?" " yEs i Do talk ChrIs. I jUst havE an extrAordinaRly aNnoyingLy glitChy vOice most oF the Time, sO i tRy noT to Talk oftEn" martin nods and says, gaining confidence," well you two are welcome to come with us and hang until you two can get home." I look to error and he nods and i smile." Ok, how are we getting there?" Error chuckles and signs something and i giggle and nod, knowing he was asking me if i planned to show off my speed later." The Buzzbikes. Climb aboard." We do so and when they start moving, i feel like i could fall asleep under these abysmal speeds and error asks chris," how fast do these go?" And chris procalaims proudly," 70 mph on an open stretch!" Error laughs and i say," i should've just ran, i guess wake me when we get there" and martin pipes up," better not fall asleep too quickly there Lash, we're here!" And i turn to see the massive turtle like ship and i gasp, standing on the bike with ease and i flip off once they come to a halt." Amazing, sans would flip over this." Error chuckles and nods, as my ears then perk foward out of alertness, and so do errors as we hear two girls and a guy chatting it up when we 4 come up and a girl with a yellow shirt and sweatshirt and blue jeans sits up and notices us two." Oh my gosh! They're so cute!" And next i know i'm in a gentle embrace from the girl. At first i don't mind the quill strokes, but then i notice error about to crash and i flip out of the hold and i gently push the other lady off him." Stop, your making error panic! He's terrified of touch." The girls gasp once i talk and i kneel next to a heavily glitching error and i hum a theme he knows, it helping to ground him and the glitches calm down, as he says." Thanks Lash, i wasn't expecting that at all."" Not a problem big bro, and i'm sorry ladies for that, but please, no touching error unless he touches you first." The girls nod in understanding and i relax, as i hold out a hand to error and he grabs it and i help him to his feet and i say," my names Whiplash, this is error." The girls nod and the one that held me says," i'm Aviva, this is Koki, and the dude there-" she spots him passed out on the floor and sighs." Sorry, i guess you suprised him enough to make him pass out, but his name's jimmy. It's nice to meet you two." I smile and i walk over to jimmy and so does error and error focuses hard, only to growl when it doesn't work and he takes off his rings and the strings come, and he carefully lifts jimmy and i ask." Point us to jimmy's bunk so he can come around without hurting himself, error would ask himself if it didn't take all his focus just to lift him like that." Koki chuckles and says," over there." She points behind her where a collection of small rooms are and error goes into the room and groans audibly and glitchily and i chuckle." Is jimmy a bit of a messy person?" They all laugh and nod and i chuckle." That explains errors disgust." I scoop up errors golden rings and i walk over and once errors done i snap them back on and the strings instantly disperse and error's legs buckle, but i catch him and i sit him in the hover chair." ThaNks sIs" the girls gasp in suprise at his glitchy voice." What? Never heard a glitch voice? It's how errors voice sounds most of the time, so you guys will adjust in time." I blow it off and i sit down. This will certainly be a weird adjustment period.

Chris's pov
Those two definitetly felt joined at the hip. The way Lash just knew what got error ticked was... interesting, i note them down in my creature pod, typing out basic notes on thier look, and how they seemed to spring off the other, Lash looking to error to see if others were trustworthy, and error looking to her to warn others about his issues.
Speaking of, he already seemed so broken, why? So terrified of anothers soft touch that somebody else has to end the contact and hum a tune?
Something was definitetly wrong with the guy. I'll have to see if he's willing to talk about it in the morning. Lash sat down nearby, but her calm was Very shortlived, she pulls out some kind of fidget item. Which looks like a bracelet of some kind.
But even that seemed to barely occupy her, her feet start tapping and her quills twitch, her ears flicking over the silence and she asks," so what do you guys study about animals?" I perk up from my notes, saying," mostly what makes them unique, and how they thrive in thier given habitat, are you ok?" She nods," yeah, just hyper, i build up alot of energy very quickly. Error does to, but he hides it very well, even caffine doesn't send him into Hyperdrive."
"Why do you build up so much energy?" She shrugs," comes with what i can do, i'm the fastest Hedgehog alive!" I raise my eyebrow as she smirks," tell you what, how about we prove it with a race, pick your method, and i'll just run." She says, and truthfully it was tempting." Sure, but maybe in a couple of days, so that way we can get to somewhere we can really race." She smiles," Your on!"

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