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ranboo had just suffered the loss of both his parents. he is in a state of shock and can't think straight. phil offers a place to live to which he accepts. he isn't comfortable with sharing information and has been extremely quiet, except towards one person.

btw i'm calling ranboo a dirty blonde because it's fucking 2 am and my mind can't do shit rn,, also because i was fighting on whether to use dirty blonde or brunette and just stuck with dirty blonde x_x

also sorry for any spelling mistakes i did not read through this :p

• swearing ((i think?))
• blood
• weapon - gun
• death ((not main character))
• break in


There the dirty blonde sat. The male was sat in the backseat of a cop car. Pure shock covered his face. He had not spoken a single word to anyone, not even a cop. He opted to just simply texting something out and showing it to the cops. What had happened? Well,


It was a normal day, like it usually was. The male was sat in his room, minding his own business as he usually would. He was sat peacefully on his bed when he heard glass shatter. He flinched and looked around, noting that it was in fact downstairs. He didn't worry to much, as it could've just been a glass cup breaking, but then he heard the cries of his mother and father, along with multiple gunshots.

In a pure state of instinct he jumped off his bed and threw himself into his closet, quickly dialling 911 ((or 999 i have no fucking clue where this is taking place)).

"911 what's your emergency?"

A polite sounding female was heard through the phone. The male moved the phone closer and whispered.

"Someone broke into my house.. They.. They have a weapon. A gun.. I think they shot my p..parents.."

"Alright, where are you right now?"

"I'm in my closet.."

"Make sure to stay there, where is your current location?"

"**his address**"

"Alright, police are on their way. Would you like me to stay on the line?"

"Yes please.. I.. I'm scared.."

"It's okay, take a breathe. Help is on its way."


Police sirens could be heard. Banging on his front door, the door breaking and police coming in.

He sat there. Shaking. He was terrified. He heard footsteps come up to his room. The closet door opened and a police officer could be seen. He leaded the dirty blonde outside, passing his parents who had gunshot wounds and blood all over. Paramedics were trying to help them. He shivered at the sight.

He made it outside and stood near a cop car, getting inside of it.

"Do you have any other family members nearby where you could stay?"

The male looked up at the cop. Shaking his head. The cop looked at him before continuing.

"Is there anyone you know, a friend, who would let you stay at their house?"

The dirty blonde thought about it. Before pulling out his phone and texting his friend.


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