Ditching the Ball

Start from the beginning

Well besides Seedy, I watch as she tries getting more and more touchy with Tom, who does not appear to be appreciative of the action. I'll make sure to secretly drop a note to teacher that she needs some etiquette lessons with modestly and how to appropriately behave around a prince.

Why can't instead of dances and other royal function we instead go to the bounce lounge, or on a camping adventure? That would be so much more enjoyable and we would all actually get to know each other more better than at balls and tea parties. Hopefully, this will be over soon, as I do believe every prince and princess has had their turn on the floor. Thankfully the sound of my father letting us know that the dance is officially over signals that we can go back to just conversating and eating snacks.

While my mom looks really happy with how everything turned out, my dad seems to be wanting to go monster hunting and to get out of this ballroom as soon as possible. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Tom holding a plate of snacks in one hand while putting his free hand near his mouth to make a sign that practically shouts 'shh this is a secret, follow me'. Oh! We're going to the place he said he wanted to bring me and he is even bringing snacks! Awesome, time to ditch this place finally, and wind down and have normal unformal fun.

I follow him out of the ballroom, and we're just walking around the hallways until he stops and looks behind and around us to see if anyone is there. Wait what if this was just to try to have me let my guard down, kidnap me, and make a hostage situation! With my guard raised back up I watch him take out a pair of...dimensional scissors! How did he get those? He opens a portal and makes a sort of 'after you' type of posture and look with a smile.

The portal brought my to a lilac purple hill that has lots of different white and light flower around, with a big strawberry tree that has pink leaves, and the view is just beautiful. It's not completely dark because the plants somehow are emitting a soft light but the stars in the sky seem endless.

"How did you find a place like this Tom? It's so beautiful and peaceful"

"Well, with all my royal studies and extra curriculars I have to take plus fighting school it can get pretty stressful for me, and so sometimes I just like to get out for a bit, a change of pace you know? So I started exploring a few safe dimensions and this place ended up being my favorite."

We sit down under the tree and eat snacks, with me randomly pointing to a constellation and telling him the name and story about it, while he tells me different things he knows about that I didn't.

"Hey Tom, would you mind if we took some pictures together and if you could take some pictures of me here? I'll take some pictures around the scenery and of you too if that's okay, but I'd love to put this down in my memory journal, it's kind of like a scrapbook but it's more personal and I keep it in my secrets closet."

"I would love that Star, think I could have a few copies of some pictures too?"

"Most definitely, though think you could fly us up again? We could take a picture with the stars clearly in the background, and we could do one with the really pretty pink leaves!"

"You know Star, if I was to guess I might just say you like being in the air, I know I think I might just give you a nickname. How about, Starship?"

"Okay, okay but only if you let me touch your horns. I've been so interested about them all night, did you have them when you were born, do they hurt when they grow, are they soft or are they hard, are the tips sharp?"

"Woah woah, there Starship okay, one you can't touch my horns yet, maybe in the future, two yes I had them from when I was born, no they don't really hurt its more of a slight discomfort but after time you don't really notice it, and I guess their pretty soft, and no the tips aren't sharp. They can be but I've decided against sharpening my horns. Now let's take some pictures!"

The rest of the night is spent taking pictures of the landscape, of us, and each other, in one of them I have him hanging upside down from a tree branch and in another is me poking out from inside of the tree's leaves. I really like the photos though of us together making silly faces or just smiling. Sadly all good things have to come to an end and the end of the Silver Bell Ball was drawing near so we portaled back to the castle and exchanged phone numbers. Going back and mingling Ponyhead came flying straight at me.

"Girl! So tell me the deets, I totally just saw you come back here with Prince Lucitor and even exchanging numbers! Do you like him hmmmm?"

"No Ponyhead, I don't like him like that or well at least not yet, maybe in the future I could. But I only just met him remember? We had talked before the dance and found out we both liked video games so we exchanged contacts to play together some time."

"Hmmm, I think there is totally romance in the air girl, I bet he likes you! Sides did you see the way he was looking at you during the dance? He was totally checking you out and seeing how beautiful my bestie is!"

Ponyhead and I talked for awhile longer until the ball had ended, it was now time to wish everyone good bye and that we look forward to seeing them again. The Lucitors were last to leave, and when Tom came up to say farwell he brought me out to the side and pulled out a small box that was wrapped with a singular bow.

"I remember you saying how cool you thought my horns were and so I decided to get you these before I left. Now we both have horns, Starship."

Inside the box was a cute pink headband with horns. I can't believe he gave me a gift! When did he even have the time to do so? Maybe he was able to get them through his portal scissors or something magic related while I was talking to PH.

"These are beautiful Tom, thank you so much! I promise to always wear them. Have a great night, and I can't wait to talk to you again."

With that we went back to our parents as the Lucitors took their leave once more through the large doors, and I went back to my room after mother telling me that I did a great job tonight and made her proud. I put the pictures to print, locked my door and got my memory journal and got to work, at the end of it I sent a photo to Tom of the two pages and sent him some of the individual photos themselves. He seemed to love it, I'm glad, some people think scrapbooking is weird.

After that day we continued to talk, play Minecraft together, started hanging out and then eventually one day, when we were back to that beautiful purple hill he asked me out, we kissed, and then our hang outs turned into dates and everyone knew we were together. Truly the best memories in the journal ever. 

Word Count 2070

A/N: So what did you all think about their meet up? I hope you all liked it, personally I would love to go where ever Tom brought her

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