Sigyn had now Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Alfheim under her care. There were rumours of how some Fire giants from Muspelheim would have sent envoys to the young Vanir Queen, in hope of an alliance with the new "greater power".

People were starting to call Sigyn the "Empress of Yggdrasil", and each time that name was whispered at court, his father would tense, and his eyes would fill with a fiery fury. Sigyn had not sent any official declaration of war, but that new kenning of hers could easily be taken for one. If Sigyn refused to be the assailant, it was only a matter of time before Odin took arms against his former allies.

But who would they ally themselves with now, with the main civilised realms their enemies?

As Thor was lost in his thoughts, he got the answer to the question he had feared too much to ask. Suddenly, he heard a terrible booming noise coming down the palace's corridor. On alert, Thor grabbed his hammer, ready to fight whatever frightful opponent was coming his way.

He first saw their shadow, looming over him, before lifting his head to the sky to meet their ruby eyes.

His father had called the Jotun king to the rescue. Or rather, officially, Odin had reminded Laufey of their alliance and of Thor's upcoming nuptials with his daughter, Loki.

Yeah, sorry dad, but that's never gonna happen...

Two envoys from Jotunheim stood in all their might before him. The Prince of Asgard nodded, and welcomed them as courteously as he could, though he had to admit the couple of Frost giants were rather frightening, and any well-born lady would have fainted at their sight.

"Prince of Asgard", the first Jotun started, his startling voice resonating in the corridors, "our king sends his regards to your father. Here is a letter for him."

Thor took the message, whose size changed the moment it reached his hands.

Ah yes. Jotnar magic was quite impressive. No wonder Loki had become such a powerful sorceress at a very young age. Everyone respected her for it, but it was mostly out of fear. They knew she would become one day their queen, the mother of the next generation of princes and princesses, and they did not want to get on her bad side. Now, as his sister was lost in her dark thoughts, regrets and grief, no one dared to approach her, even him.

He had tried reaching to Loki, sending her chocolates from Midgard, and little notes of support. However, the only thing he got from her, as they crossed path once in a hallway, was a ball of green fire, and a scream "not to disturb her".

It was not the first time his sister had been so worked up, of course. Loki was well-known for her temper and her fiery mood swings. However, everything had worsened since... well, since Sigyn's departure.

Sigyn had always been the one to deal with this kind of behaviour. Every time Loki would throw a tantrum, he would go fetch Sigyn – or his mother would send a servant – so she could calm her friend.

Sigyn would take Loki's hand in hers, and she would listen to her attentively, smile at her sweetly, and then, as if by magic, the Jotun princess was calm again, hugging her most beloved friend, laughing and dancing with her in his mother's gardens. What a happy time it all was.

Gone now, as was the rest.

When the two Frost giants left without asking for an answer, Thor knew it would be bad. And he was right. The moment his father read the letter, his face reddened, and he screamed. Well, another one who would have needed Sigyn's soothing influence. Though, the prince doubted his father would have appreciated it. He would rather have had the Vanir queen's head removed from her lovely shoulders, which would have been quite a crime, and would have enraged Loki even more.

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