The new alpha rises

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All Loki had wanted was to be happy with the girl she loved. Or maybe she had been in denial about it all from the start. In a perfect world, in a golden timeline, she could have been free to marry who ever she pleased – Hel, had she not been promised to Thor, Sigyn would have been the most perfect match for her. But here they were, and there was nothing she could do about it...


Well, nothing if she had been just any Princess of Asgard. But she was Loki. No one in the Nine realms was smarter than she was. Once again, she would prove it to everyone, and get what she wanted. She would marry Sigyn – better than this, her father would be the one to marry them, so he would not be able to undo the union he had bonded.

Loki had not wanted her to ever feel betrayed. And yet, as her engagement to Thor became public, Sigyn's grief had broken her heart. To see her beloved with such a sad, shocked look on her beautiful face, tears rolling down her cheeks, all colors drained from her as she realized what was happening – She did not have to accuse Loki of betraying her. Words were not necessary, they never had been between them.

Loki did not want to live through this ever again. She only wished to see Sigyn happy, forever, only caring for what their next adventure would be, or the next book they should read and discuss.

Sigyn would stand by her side in the Great Hall, as her wife, wearing Loki's colors, bearing their children...

Loki smiled at the idea. Angrboda had told them Jotuns could switch gender when they wanted, hadn't she? Well, maybe it was time to see what she could do with this information. She had no indication of how this could work, and no books on Jotun biology in the All-Father's library, of course.

So, she tried to find the right transformation spell on her own, by trial and error, but this was not conclusive. All she got was an illusion – a good one, her mother would have been proud, but this would not be enough to fool Odin. Besides, the witch had said this was part of their nature. Was her magic truly necessary? Loki closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Maybe she was trying too hard. She tried to imagine herself as a man: her muscles would be a little stronger, but she still pictured herself not as muscular as Thor. And handsome, naturally, with half-long black hair and blue eyes. She wondered if her male self would be well endowed, and if it would please Sigyn. Her princess had seemed to enjoy her love making as a woman, but would she appreciate being ravished by her male self? She surely hope so, as Loki intended to use her new manly parts to pleasure her bride and make her scream her name as many times as possible.

She opened her eyes, and looking straight back at her, was this dashing young fellow, very pretty, she had to admit. Lean, as she had suspected, but still well-built and taller than she was. Loki felt a little pang of jealousy at that. She had always wanted to be taller, more imposing. However, she had shared the same height as Sigyn, which was perfect for kisses and cuddles. Here, on the other hand, he would be able to tower over her, trap her against the wall and make her his in any way he'd like.

Strangely enough, Loki realized she was now addressing herself as a "he", instead of a "she". How queer, and rather not unpleasant. It made sense to her... or rather to him, as he was in his male form right now.

He could not wait to see Sigyn's expression when she'd meet him for the first time. Would it be love at first sight? Would she tremble with desire once he kissed her hand, her lips? Once again, Loki felt jealous of his other self. How foolish it was : after all, this body, those two forms, they were him, they were her. The children her male self would give to Sigyn, they would be hers too. And yet, Loki wanted Sigyn to prefer her original form, the one she knew, the one she first met, the one who fell in love with her first.

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