-Episode 10 (Let us love each-other the way we should've loved)-

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Taehyung's POV
She was clutching onto my blazer while crying endlessly and burying her face into my chest

"I'm sorry Taehyung-Ah"

" I'm so sorry"

"sorry is not enough to express that how miserable I'm feeling right now"

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you"

"I should've trusted you since the start"

"No one is at fault , it is me who is at fault"

"I ruined everything!!!!"

"I ruined everything!!!!"She cried

"Y/N-Ah!" I gently called her while stroking her hair trying to calm her down while she rested in my embrace

"You were not at fault , don't blame yourself love , it's because of some snitches we suffered this much and why are you even apologising , I don't need an apology from you as long as you're by my side I don't need anything" I gently said this to her while embracing her tightly

my heart was breaking to see her state

I can't bear to see her this vulnerable

My dad stood there watching all of this , he took his coat and was about to leave

"I'll never forgive you Mr.Kim!"I spat with pure hatred in my eyes ,tears threatening to fall

he simply took his coat and left

he is unfortunately my so called dad but he doesn't deserve the title called

"dad" I scoffed

I embraced Y/N even more closer to myself while her light sobs could be heard and tiny hiccups due to constant crying

"It's okay hun!"

"It's okay!" I gently stroked her hair while trying to calm her down
Someone's POV
"I have to use plan B now , didn't wanted to use this but this has to be done" Taehyung's dad took out his phone and called someone

"Finish her!"

"And without getting caught , Otherwise you know me" he said while maintaining his calm face as if nothing happened
Taehyung's POV
We came home and everything was fine as ever

finally god damn finally

this maze in which we both were lost was finally solved

Irene was imprisoned for 10 years

she deserved it

I couldn't do anything to my dad as he is my freaking father but I won't be able to forgive him
I went to grab the customised necklace that I ordered for Y/N

it's been a long time since I bought something for her

I ordered to make it specially with the infinity sign , that infinity sign held a lot of unsaid words behind it , our love story

one of them was

"I will long for you forever , Even if an circumstances try to break us apart , I would hold onto you forever" I thought to myself while holding that necklace in my hand and traced it with my thumb

"it's perfect"

"pack it!" I said while handing the cashier my black card

he took the necklace and adjusted it into the red velvet box while placing it into a small gift bag

I went and sat in my car while pushing my hair backwards and smiling because I was happy

happy for us

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