-Episode 4 (Confrontation)-

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He came home from a business trip, the first thought that came into his mind was Y/N his wife who missed him so much and same was for him he also missed her so much

If he could take her with him to the business trip he would've ,They were happily married since 1 year , Taehyung chose Y/N for him, he was head over heels for her when he first met Y/N working in an Orphanage, she was a 21 year old ordinary girl

She didn't have a rich background as Taehyung did but that didn't matter to both of them as they both loved each other truly

They were the "perfect couple"that everyone would want to be like

"Y/N-Ah Love, I'm home"he said loudly while entering his home rolling his suitcase but he met with silence ?

What was that?

Y/N always greeted him when ever he returned from the office, this was quite weird for him.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and immediately went to kitchen as this was quite an unusual thing for him

"Y/N?" he expected her to be there because she used to make his favourite meals whenever he returned from the office and they always used to eat together Y/N used to wait for him , but there was no one

Now his heart started to race, his heart felt uneasy,horrible thoughts went rushing through his mind

"Where is she?" he said and immediately loosened his tie and ran towards the living room but again he met with emptiness, he checked every corner of his home but he met with emptiness lastly he went in his bedroom and sat on the bed holding his head in confusion ?

He took out his phone to call Y/N ? maybe she went for groceries? But the line was unable to reach , her phone was powered off

he was getting uneasy

"Maybe her phone's battery went out?" he said

he was trying to remain positive

he took off his coat and threw it on the bed and walked towards the night stand while opening his wrist watch to put it on the night stand but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw a piece of paper lying there on the night stand

His hands now started to tremble , grabbing the paper with trembling hands he opened it , tears started to flow from his eyes while he was reading it clutching on to that tiny piece of paper firmly with trembling hands

The last words broke his heart

"Taehyung I can't live with you anymore I hope you would find someone better then me , I was never perfect for you , I should've realised this in the first place and not get married to you please try to understand , Sign the divorce papers , I've already signed them ~Y/N"

He crumpled and harshly threw the paper on the ground and he was confused what exactly happened. He saw the divorce papers also lying in a paper bag beside the lamp.

He took that paper bag in his hand and ripped it apart without even opening it , tears were flowing from his eyes without his permission

He immediately ran towards his car to look for Y/N on the streets maybe he could find her but it was of no use

"Aish!" He harshly slammed his hand on the steering wheel while putting his hair back in frustration as he licked his dry lips

his breaths were uneven

He tried finding her everywhere even after that day but their fates held something else

They were meant to meet again after 5 damn years

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