An End and a Beginning

Start from the beginning

"What would that be?" Sam asked as he leaned forward a little.

"You know about how we've been leading a hunt for the wolves." Dad said and looked at Sam for confirmation.

"Yes, I'm aware." Sam said with a nod.

"We haven't been having been very much luck and I know that you and some of the other man are great trackers. I would like to know if you would consider joining the hunting party." Dad said and I stood to take the plates and moved into the kitchen to wash them. This would be a sore subject with Sam and I didn't want to be in the room. I could still hear what they were talking about, but I was out of the room and it gave them the illusion of privacy.

"Charlie, the tribe has a law against hunting wolves." Sam said.

"I'm not asking for you to pick up a gun and hunt with us. I'm simply asking that lend us your tracking skills. These wolves are a danger to the people in the forest." Dad said and I cringed, knowing what was coming.

"Then people should learn to stay out of a forest that is known for bears, wolves and other predators. I know that wolves don't attack for no reason. The missing people probably provoked the animals and if it's rabid it could already be dead. Doesn't take long for an animal to succumb to rabies. There is no sense in continuing to hunt for the animal if it's already dead or by putting the men involved in the search at risk from the other predators or accidents in the forest." Sam said.

"I feel that I have hit a sore spot." Dad said.

"If we don't find anything and nothing happens in the next week, I'll call off the hunt." Dad said and I sighed in relief. Now Victoria only had to stay away for a week and the boys would be able to relax a little.

"I'm sorry for my temper, Charlie. I just can't blame an animal for the stupidity of those people that have gone into the forest knowing what has happened so recently. Common sense should have been used." Sam said and I sighed dad sigh.

"We had been warning everyone and I agree that some were irrational in their decisions." Dad said.

"Well I'll get out of your hair." Dad said ad I heard as the chair moved back away the table. Sam and dad rounded the corner. Sam picked up a towel and set to drying the dishes that I had already washed.

"I'll talk to you later, baby girl. Got plans at the Clearwaters'." Dad said and gave a kiss to my forehead.

"Say hi to Sue for me." I said and he nodded.

"Will do." He said and let himself out.

"So what do you think about your dad's offer?" Sam asked as he leaned against the counter and dried the skillet that I had washed.

"Which one?" I asked and peered up at him.

"Either." He said with a shrug.

"The hunting party should have ended after two weeks and no results." I said and worked on a grease stain of the spatula I was cleaning.

"The rings, I think should be your call. I have no problem wearing the same ring as my grandmother did. In fact all I remember about my grandparents is how much in love they were. That would definitely be a relationship goal if we hadn't already achieved it." I said and smiled at Sam.

"I think that it would give an added personal touch to our vows. I know it would mean a lot to your father." Sam said and I shook my head.

"Don't let my father sway your judgment." I said and handed him a plate.

"I wasn't. I just know that the things that mean a lot to your father, tend to mean a lot to you, too. I know that wearing something with a lot of meaning would make it more special to you and I actually like the idea. Plus you and your father said that they were happily married, maybe some of that happiness is left in those rings." Sam said and pulled me to him kissing my head.

"I like the idea, too. Though I don't think we need a good luck charm." I said with a bright smile.

"A little extra help never hurt." Sam said with a shrug and I laughed.

I called dad the next day and told him that Sam and I would love to use the rings for our wedding bands. Dad said that he would give them to us the next time he saw us. He also suggested that we still go to a jeweler and check the sizes. The rings were gorgeous and were made out of a similar metal as my engagement ring, so they would match. It almost seemed like this was planned, but I no longer question the world and it's ways. Somethings are just meant to be.

Today is gloomy, a big storm is just offshore and threatening to wreck havoc. I don't know why, but I have been on edge since I woke up this morning. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to happen today and I prayed that it had nothing to do with dad and the hunting party in their last ditch efforts to hunt down the pack. The feeling wasn't ebbing, even with the evening rolling in to end the day. Sam and the guys had been out all day circling Forks and La Push as well as keeping an eye on the hunters.

As the storm rolled in a howl went up and the pit in my stomach could have formed a gorge. I hated that there was no way to contact the pack while they were wolves and especially if they were chasing Victoria. I paced and tried to focus on anything other than the fear that was giving me an ulcer. I about jumped out of my skin when the door banged open. Paul stood in the doorway with a pained look on his face.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked as I rushed toward him. I hadn't realized that he rain had start to pour till I saw that Paul was dripping wet.

"Harry." Paul's voice cracked as he spoke. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Leah and Seth phased this afternoon. It caused a heart attack." Paul said and I felt the tears start to fall down my face.

"Is he going to be alright? Is my dad with him?" I asked and reached for my keys. Paul grabbed my hand and shook his head.

"He didn't make it to the hospital." He said.

"Sam sent me to bring you to the house. He figures that your dad is going to need you." Paul said and I nodded grabbing my jacket and putting it on. I looked at Paul and I knew there was something else.

"There's something else. What is it Paul?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's under control and not important at the moment." He said quickly and grabbed his keys off the counter and rushing me out the door to his truck.

I hated to see my dad hurting especially over one of his best friends, It made me worry more about him. He wasn't much younger than Harry and lived similarly. I started to think bout the things that could be changed to protect my dad. I couldn't even think about being in the same situation that Leah and Seth were in with losing their father and I didn't want to encounter it any time soon. I couldn't help, but notice that Bella had shown up. Jacob showed up late in the evening and he seemed angry about something. Everyone seemed to avoid Jake that was here. Sam, Jared and Embry were out with Leah and Seth trying to calm them down enough to allow them to phase back, but it had been hours and they were emotional.

Why did I have to be right? Why did all hell have to break loose?  

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