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 Moving in with Sam was an easy adjustment. I loved waking up and falling asleep in his arms. The only problems I had was the early morning wake ups when Sam had to patrol or when Paul or Jared forgot how late it was and came to the house after patrol. I went by dad's once a week to check in on him and Bella. He looked tired and she hadn't improved any since I moved out. I was worried this was going to take a toll on dad and he would have no choice, but to send her to Renee. Sam had spent many nights comforting me over my sister, though I knew he must be tired of it.

Today is Christmas and like Thanksgiving everyone is coming here, even Kim, dad, and Bella. No one was exempt. It had been interesting setting up the tree. Sam had insisted that he didn't need any help and told me to sit back and watch. I sat on the couch and watched for an hour as the tree leaned of way, then the other, even threatening to fall over a time or two as Sam wrestled with it. Finally he allowed me to call Paul and Jared to help. They had both laughed and teased after the tree was finally standing straight in the window.

Sam and I didn't have many ornaments, but thought it the best in case the tree did fall over at any point. Jared was excited to have Kim with us to celebrate Christmas, her family was starting to warm up to Jared and allowing Kim to spend more time with him. I could tell that they really did love each other, though neither had said it yet. Paul seemed a little lonely sometimes being the only imprinted wolf now, but he tried not to show it.

"Hey kids!" Someone called as the front door shut behind them. I turned from the TV to see Allison walking into the kitchen with a box overflowing with Christmas decorations in her arms.

"Hey, mom!" Sam called as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Morning Allison. How are you?" I asked and stood to help her with the box.

"Oh I'm fine , dear. How are you?" She said.

"I'm doing great." I said with a smile.

"What's with the decoration?" Sam asked as he came into the dining room and saw the overflowing box on the table.

"Well, Sammy. Last year nobody came over for Christmas so you could get away without decorating, but this year, you and Sunny have people coming over and I know you didn't buy decorations." Allison said and I smiled. Sam was cringing and I couldn't tell if it was from being called Sammy or the idea of having to decorate the outside of the house.

"Oh come now, Samuel. It won't take that long to string up some lights and place a wreath on the front door." She said and lifted the box into his arms.

"Yes, mom." He sighed and gave us each a kiss on the cheek before walking outside. I giggled at his behavior while Allison smiled.

"He never was much for decorating." Allison said and I smiled.

"I got that feeling." I said and Allison and nodded.

"You should have seen him try to put the tree up by himself." I said with a laugh and Allison raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?" She asked with a smile as she took a seat at the table with me.

"He refused to let me help him and the tree nearly ended up in a heap on the living room carpet more than once." I said and Allison laughed shaking her head.

"That stubborn boy. You think he would learn to accept help, but he never does." She said and I shook my head.

"He does, indirectly." I said and Allison looked at me curiously.

"How so?" She asked.

"When he's stressed he holds me closer and is reluctant to let go, asks that I stay with him for a while. When he's frustrated he always asks about things that need done that he can take the frustration out on. When he's mad he goes for a run and shut down for a while. When something's bothering him he allows is more interested in my day, and after I also ask about his day and he can talk about it." I said and Allison smiled.

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