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 Since telling Sam I felt lighter and it seemed to bring us closer. I had feared that Sam knowing would change how he looked at me, but it didn't. He still treated me the same as he had before, the only difference was that we trusted each other more. I found a reason everyday to love him more. The only downer in my life was my sister. I had been right when I said that dad would break down and call Renee. She arrived two after the call with her new husband in tow. I had opened the door when she knocked and almost slammed the door back closed in her face when she immediately locked eyes on my scars and I saw the judgment in her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked and I sighed.

"Do you really not remember or are you that much of a bitch?" I asked and she gasped at me.

"Hey!" Her husband said pulling Renee back as they both glared at me.

"I'm Charlie's daughter. Bella's older sister." I said and her husband looked confused.

"Your the bitch that hung up on me when I called Charles about Bella's birthday present." Renee sneered and I smirked.

"One and the same. I still don't appreciate your attitude so if you would like to come inside I would cool it lady." I said and she glared at me for a minute and I smiled before opening the door so they could come inside.

"Dad! We have guests." I called upstairs. Dad was trying to get Bella to eat something. I led them into the living room as I heard dad on the stairs.

"Oh." Dad said when he saw Renee standing in the doorway.

"Where's my daughter, Charles?" Renee demanded.

"She's upstairs, Renee." Dad said and she marched past him up the stairs. Her husband made a move to follow her, but I laid a hand on his shoulder.

"You might want to stay down here." Dad said and I nodded. The guy looked between the two of us and then sat down on the couch while dad went back up the stairs.

"I never got your name, I'm Sunny." I said and held out my hand to the man that looked to only be in his early thirties.

"Phil Dwyer." He said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you. I would like to explain my comments to your wife. She has met me a couple times and asks the same question every time she sees me or I answer the phone." I said and Phil nodded.

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING!" Phil and I both ran up the stairs. I stopped short when a book came flying out of the room and hit the wall with force. Phil almost ran into my back when I stopped.

"Holy shit." I said staring wide eyes at the dent the book had put in the wall. I approached the door with caution as more screaming and crashing could be heard inside.

"What happened?" I asked dad.

"Renee started talking about Florida, getting her over that boy, and started packing her things. She didn't react till Rene said they were taking her to Florida with them." Dad said and we dodged as a CD came flying in our directions.

"I'M NOT LEAVING! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN FLORIDA! I BELONG HERE!" Bella continued to scream and Renee seemed freaked out by Bella's actions, clearly expecting something a little more enthusiastic.

"Okay, okay. You can stay here. Phil and I will be in town for a few more days if you change your mind." Renee said trying to placid Bella.

"I'M NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND!" Bella screamed before slamming the door behind Renee. Renee's face became an unnatural purple color as she stood with the door at her back. I decided it was time to get out of Renee's dodge and walked down stairs.

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