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 Since the day Edward had left Bella in the forest she had become a zombie. She no longer talked, smiled, showed any emotion. She didn't respond when you called her name. She didn't eat and she was starting to lose weight. Bella was practically lifeless. Dad and I had no idea what to do, she wouldn't talk and the only time she made any noise was when she called out and screamed in her sleep. This scared us more than the silence. The pain on her face when she screamed and clutched at her chest as if she was trying to hold herself together.

Sam and the guys tried to help as much as possible. They were always trying to get me out of the house and distract me. I don't know how many times I had already broken down from the stress of trying to do everything, Sam or usually Jared if Sam wasn't around would pull me to them and comfort me till the tears stopped. I hated that this was even affecting them. I hated that they watched me when I was around, waiting for the break down. I could see the pain on their faces when they saw the bags under my eyes or when the tears came. Why did the Cullens leaving have to have these repercussions? Their leaving was supposed to make everything better. Was supposed to let everyone relax and my sister to be a normal person again, but she was more dependent than I had thought and she was shutting down.

It was as if she was an addict. The Cullens were her drug. Now they were gone and the withdrawal was killing her.

But today wasn't about Bella. Today was Sam's birthday and I wasn't going to let what was going on at home ruin today for Sam. He had no idea that the guys and I were coming over to the house. He thought that I was just coming over like any other day. Sam came out the door when I pulled in the driveway. I smiled at him when I got out of the car and he raised an eyebrow at the box I carried.

"Happy Birthday, babe." I said and got on the tips of my toes as he leaned down to kiss him.

"Thanks." He said and held the door for me to walk inside. I handed him the wrapped box while I took off my coat.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He said and I smiled.

"And you didn't have to get me anything for my birthday, but you did. So shut up and open it." I said and he chuckled holding out one of the table chairs for me to take a seat. He opened the present painstakingly slowly causing me roll my eyes as I got comfortable in the chair. He was shocked when the paper came off to reveal a brand new phone and a case that could be attached to the strap that the guys wore around their ankles to carry their shorts when they phase.

"Thought a new phone was necessary after the one shattered." I said and he nodded.

"What's this?" He asked holding up the case.

"A case for it so you can secure it to the cord around your ankle so this one doesn't shatter." I said with smile and he smirked.

"You think of everything don't you?" He asked pulling me from my seat to his lap as he leaned down to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss.

"This isn't disturbing at all." Paul said sarcastically causing Sam and I to break away. Paul and Jared stood in the doorway smirking. I blushed while Sam growled lowly.

"It's great that you two get along so well, but save it for when your alone." Jared joked and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Well, it is my house. Ever heard of knocking?" Sam questioned.

"Sure boss. We just stopped by to give you these." Paul said as he and Jared set crudely wrapped items on the table.

"Happy Birthday." Jared said. I smiled and Sam shook his head.

"I'm not your boss." Sam argued weakly.

"Well then oh wise and powerful alpha..." Paul said heavy sarcasm.

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