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 Today started like most others. The boys came over for breakfast, two broke off for patrol. Two now that the red head had made another appearance and Paul would have had her if someone had been with him from the start. But this morning a howl went up an hour before lunch. I cooked and acted like everything was fine till the boys burst through the door at one. Paul, Jared and Embry laughing and talking about the leech that they had got while Sam and Jacob spoke intensely about something else. I looked over each boy for marks and only found a small bruise and cut on Sam's left arm. I sighed and comforted myself with knowing they were all here safe and sound.

"So what happened?" I asked Paul as he swallowed down his mouth full of food.

"Your sister went hiking." Paul said.

"What the hell do you mean she went hiking?" I demanded.

"She can barely walk without tripping herself. How the hell could she go hiking?" I demanded causing Sam and Jacob to quit their conversation and look toward me.

"She was probably looking for that place she wanted find. Said that the leech had taken her there before and she wanted to see it again. At least that's what she told me when she explained why she wanted me to go hiking a few weeks ago." Jacob said.

"She's safe right?" I questioned looking at all the boys searching for my answer.

"Yeah, we got to the leech before he could do anything to her." Embry said and took a deep breath, relaxing a little.

"This is exactly why we should tell her. Give her a good reason to stick around the rez." Jacob said as he looked at Sam who shook his head in annoyance while the guys at the table groaned.

"I've told you several times Jacob. It would only cause more problems to tell her. I know you love her and want to see that best in her, but telling her is only going to solve one problem while creating more." Sam said sternly.

"But those problems can be dealt with later! If we tell her she'll be here and we can make sure she's safe! You heard that leech, he said the red head had something planned for her!" Jacob said and Sam glared at him. The phone started ringing as Sam and Jared seemed to have a stare down in the doorway.

"Hello?" I asked.

"This is Harry Clearwater. Is Sam there?" A gruff voice asked.

"How on a sec." I said and looked up to Sam holding out the phone. He nodded and took the phone shooting Jacob one last look before moving into the kitchen. The guys turned their attention back to their plates while Jacob stood with his arms crossed over his chest and glaring at the wall.

"Jacob, things will even out." I said softly and handed him a plate to join his brothers.

"Well not for a while now." Sam said as he came back into the room.

"Turns out Bella told Charlie about seeing us. Charlie's organizing a hunting party for us. He thinks that we're the cause of the hikers that have been going missing." Sam said.

"Great! Just great!" Paul said throwing his hands in the air as he glared at Jacob.

"If it wasn't hard enough to protect Forks and the rez from these leeched now the leech lover has a search party in the forest for us! It's like a buffet for the leeches!" Paul said and he had started to shake.

"Out! You are not phasing in here and ruining my house!" I said and Paul ran out the back down. It was only as the door shut that I heard the shredding of clothes and a growl from outside. I could see Jacob shaking too standing next to Sam.

"That goes for all of you. No one will be phasing in wolves in this house." I said and Jacob seemed to try and calm down. There were some more grumbles over lunch about the leeches and my sister, but things calmed down and no one else seemed likely to burst into a wolf at anytime. Once Jacob was done eating he thanked me and quickly left out the back door. When Jacob joined the pack everything was supposed to calm down, not become a whirlwind of activity that made your head spin. The added member helped in numbers and gave the pack an advantage when hunting down the vampires, but it also added to the chaos of planning patrol and working together. Sam had been home less and less having to deal with Jacob and the council. Everything felt like a big storm about to shore and as chaotic as everything is now, it felt like the calm before the storm.

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