True love never ends

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Hello, I published a new multi-chapter story, I'll publish it separately because it will be more chapters and I think it deserves her own space. Here I publish my one-shots or maybe shorter stories with only a couple of chapters, and I will continue to do so. 

I will give you the first chapter here too, so if you are interested in the story, I suggest you go to my Wattpad profile and you'll find it there under the title True love never ends.

So here is the first chapter enjoy.


Serkan Bolat is a serious businessman, if you would ask any of his employees they would all agree, he is the best in his field. But they would equally tell you he is the strictest man there is, only perfection is what pleases him, if you don't work hard you can not work for him.

All of his employees feared him, but equally worship him, because he is the best architect and if you work in this field and wants to learn or mather anything, you wants to work in his firm Art life.

Personally, he is not that different, practically all that mattered to him was his work, so his personal life didn't exist. He was single, nobody saw him with a girlfriend or anything similar since he was in college. He has a mother, with whom he has a not-so-close but solid relationship, a father who was never close to him. He has a best friend Engin, with whom he owns an architect firm Artlife, Engin is not only his best friend, he is more like a brother to him, the only person to who Serkan can trust a hundred percent, which meant a lot because Serkan didn't trust people lightly.

Eda Yildiz is the sweetest girl, life was not easy for her, but that didn't make her bitter or weak, on the contrary, it made her stronger, more determined to be and do good in life, to be positive. Everything she went through, didn't erase a smile from her face.

She is a landscape architect, but she doesn't work in her field, she works at her aunt's Ayfer flower shop. Work is important to her, but it is not the most important thing, Eda knows there are other things in life too. She lost her parents when she was 5 years old. Her Aunt Ayfer was the one who took care of and raised her. She has a best friend named Melo, who practically lives with her at her aunt's house.


»Aunt Ayfer!, did you see keys from the storage?« Eda asked her aunt, while she was finishing packing the order Mr.Beyhar made.

Ayfer was cleaning the flower shop, which was a mess because they just finished a big order, and that included a lot of flower arrangments. And that usually meant, whenever they completed such orders, the flower shop was a mess at the end.

»No, but it has to be here somewhere.« she answered.

Eda sighed, she needed something from the storage to completely finish the order, and then she has to deliver everything, so she really didn't have time to be looking for keys.

She didn't know, how but it always happened that one of them was looking for that dame keys.

They should put a chip on them like Melo jokingly suggested one time. »Well, I don't see them.« Eda said and kept looking for them all over the place.

Ayfer put the broom from her hands and put it aside »Wait, I'll call Melo, she used it this morning when she was helping me, before going to work.«

Melo was working like crazy. She worked in a very posh restaurant, where a lot of rich and important people like to eat or just come for a drink.

Some days were very lazy, not a lot of customers, and other days like today, it was crazy like everybody decided to come at once.

So she was running from table to table taking orders and serving them. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, she glanced at it and saw it was Ayfer since she knew Melo was working, which meant that it was important, so Melo asked her coworker to take the next table so she could answer.

In Love With Serkan Bolat (Edser one shots)Where stories live. Discover now