Love from the first moment (Part 2)

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Hii, here it is the second part.

Enjoy reading.


When Serkan saw Eda he was speechless. He always thought Eda was beautiful no matter what she was wearing or she was wearing make-up or not, she was always beautiful. But seeing her now in this dress and with her beautiful smile, she was more beautiful than ever.

Eda smiled at him shyly »Thank you, you look handsome too.« she said looking him in the eyes, she saw Serkans cheek becoming red.

Serkan cleared his throat »If you are ready, we can go.«

»Mhm, let's go.« she closed the door and took the hand he offered her.


Eda didn't know half of the people at the party. Thank god Serkan didn't move away from her since they came, so she wasn't alone and it made her feel more comfortable.

Sometimes she wondered how can she and Serkan bee such good friends, since they came from such a different environment, but they just clicked, it was like they understood each other without even speaking to each other. They could sometimes just look the other one in the eye and know exactly what the other was thinking. That's why she is surprised that he didn't see yet the way she felt about him, she sometimes struggles to hide it.

They were currently standing in the corner away from others talking when she saw Serkan's father approaching. »Serkan, here you are. I need you to come, I have to introduce you to someone.« Alptekin said to him, completely ignoring Eda.

Serkan looked at his father annoyed »You could at least say hello to my guest, before commanding me what to do.« he said pointing out that Eda was with him.

Alptekin sighed, and looked at Eda »Hello Eda, now if you excuse us I need my son for a moment.« he said to her in a harsh tone.

»Hello, Alptekin Bey.« Eda said back and looked at Serkan nodding at him, to let him know she will be okay. She knew he won't go if he thought she won't be, after that he went with his father leaving her alone.

Eda was looking for Engin or Piril, because they were the only people here other than Serkan, that she really knew and most importantly that they knew and actually liked her. But she just couldn't see them anywhere.

Because she was searching for them, she didn't pay attention to where she was going, so she bumped into someone. When she looked up she, stiffed seeing who it was »Uhm, Sorry I'm so sorry. I didn't see you Mrs. Aydan.« she apologized to Serkans mother.

Aydan looked at her annoyed »Well you should watch where are you going, you can't just bum pinto people, what if you injure someone.«

Eda felt nervous and was ashamed »I'm really sorry. I was looking for someone and didn't pay attention.«

»Well you should. You are not in some market on god knows where is it that your people gather. You are at our party so you have to act appropriately.«

Eda felt even more ashamed »I know Mrs. Aydan. It won't happen again.«

»Well, it better not.« Aydan said to her and then looked her from her head to the feet and up again »And for god's sake, can you at least for once wear something appropriate and not look cheap.«

Eda felt tears gathering in her eyes, but didn't let them fall, she didn't want to show Aydan that she got to her. Just as she was about to say something Selin came to them.

In Love With Serkan Bolat (Edser one shots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu