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September 10th/11th 1940:

I get awoken to a loud voice in the other room. I put on my slippers and grab my candle before heading towards the noise coming from, who would've guessed, the Pevensies room.

"Shh, Lucy what are you talking about?" Peter said tiredly as I entered the room and Susan entered after me. "What's going on?" I asked as I looked at Lucy and Edmund. "Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!" Lucy started. "You've been dreaming Lucy" Susan said seeming tired as well. ""But I wasn't! I saw Mr Tumnus again and this time Edmund went too." Lucy said and we all looked to Edmund.

"You've seen Mr Tumnus?" I asked and everyone's gaze shifted to me. "Yes! Oh and Y/n has gone too! But not with me and Edmund" Lucy continued. Peter looked at me confused and tiredly. "My Grandfather has told me stories about Narnia when I was a kid that's all" I said trying to defend my sanity.

"Well Edmund still went" Lucy said while sitting on Peters bed. "I was just playing along. I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending." Edmund said and smirked slightly as he sat on his bed.

Lucy ran out of the room crying and Me, Susan and Peter went after her but not before Peter shoved Edmund in the door way. "Lucy!" I called after her. She then ran into my grandfather and wrapped her arms around him.

"You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping in the stables! Professor I'm sorry I told them you are not to be disturbed" Misses Mcready said while she death stared us all.

"It's alright Mrs. Mcready I'm sure there's an explanation. But first of all I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate" my Grandfather said. Misses Mcready agrees and takes Lucy down the hall. As me, Peter and Susan turn to go back to our rooms my Grandfather calls us back.

He bring us into his office and filled his pipe with tobacco. "You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper." He stated as we watched him. "We're very sorry sir, it won't happen again" Peter said as he grabbed me and Susan and tried to pull us out of the study.

"It's out sister sir, Lucy" Susan continued despite Peters protests. "The weeping girl" Grandpa added. "It's nothing we can't handle, sorry for disturbing you-" Peter tried again. "She says she's found a magical land" Susan started again.

"Ah yes Y/n knows all about those" he said with a smile. "That is not your story to tell." I said sternly. "She says she's found it in the upstairs wardrobe" Susan continues on. The man stood up and looked at her with joy.

"What was it like?" He asked as we all sat down on a couch and he sat across from us. "Like talking to a lunatic!" Susan explained. "No, no, no not her, the forest." He said with excitement.

"You're not saying you believe her..." Peter said in dismay. "You don't?" My grandfather asks. "But of course not! I mean, logically, it's impossible" Susan explained. "Gosh, what do they teach in schools these days?" He said rhetorically.

"Edmund said they were only pretending" Peter added. "And he's the more truthful one is he?" My grandfather asked Peter. "No...this would be the first time" Peter said with a sour tone. "Well, if she's not mad and she's not lying, then logically we must assume she's telling the truth." He said.

We all left after that. Susan went back to her and Lucy's room while me and Peter sat on a bench in the hallways and talked. "What did he mean by 'Y/n knows all about those'?" Peter asked me.

"Stories from when I was younger, that's all..." I lied not wanting him to think I was mad. "Well your grandfather says we should believe her" Peter replied. "Maybe...he's right" I suggested and looked Peter in the eyes. "You're saying you believe her?" Peter asked maintaining eye contact.

"She's your sister, isn't she? You're her family, You might just try acting like one." I said and stood up. Without another word I walked back to my room, took off my slippers and Laid down in bed.

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