Mr Tumnus

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August 11th 1940:

I push past and find myself in the middle of some snowy woods with a lamp post in the middle of a small clearing. "Oh you've got to be kidding me..." I trailed off with a smile as I looked around. "H-Hello?" I heard someone ask. I turned to them startled. I saw a man standing looking confused and slightly scared.

"I'm sorry if I scared you" I said. "Is this...Narnia?" I asked hesitantly. "Y-yes yes it is" he said coming closer. "You're a-a, a faun" I said seeing his deer like legs. "And, what are you?" He asked looking slightly confused. "I'm a human, a girl" I said slightly laughing. "A daughter of Eve?" He asked sort of happily. "My mother name is actually Isabella" I said. "But you, are human right?" He asked. "Yes, I assume you're talking about Eve from the bible right?" I asked. "Bi-bible?" He asked. "Ah never mind" I said assuming they didn't have a bible in Narnia.

"I'm sorry I should introduce myself, I'm Mr Tumnus" he said. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n" I said as I put out my hand."Ah never mind" I said smiling after he just looked at my hand. "Why did you have your hand out?" He asked. "It's just a polite way of greating someone I suppose" I explained.

"Well Y/n Y/l/n, would you like to accompany me for some tea?" He asked. "That would be lovely thank you" I said. We started walking towards his house. He seemed to be looking in the trees with a worried look but I didn't say anything. We arrived at his house and walked inside.

"This is beautiful, and who's this?" I ask pointing to a picture I saw. "That's my father, he's...away at the momen" Mrs Tumnas said sadly. "He's been away for awhile" he added. "Ah i see, my fathers away too." I said. "Please come sit down I'll make some tea".

I sat down in a chair near the fire place. He brings over the tea and I put my sugar and milk in. "Why is it winter here? It's summer where I come from" I asked him. "Your world?- ah well it's been winter here for one hundred's because of the white witch, oh but summer in Narnia was beautiful, dancing and singing  and the music oh how wonderful it was" he explained while I sipped my tea.

" lovely" I said with a smile remembering how my mother taught me the piano. "Would you like to hear some?" Mr Tumnus asked as he set down his tea. "Sure!" I said and set down mine. He started playing an enchanting tune, felt almost...luring...creepy.

"I think I should go back now." I said as I stood up. "Yes, yes I'm sure your family will be worried about you" he said quickly putting away his flute of some sort. I heard a low growl. "What was that?" I asked in a hushed voice. Mr Tumnus looked scared. "Come one we have to go, quickly" he said in a hushed voice. He grabbed his scarf and put it on as we ran back to the lamp post.

"Why are we running?" I asked. "Quickly, I'll explain the next time we meet" he says. "But what if I don't see you again?" I asked as we came to the lamp post. "Then someone else will explain it all to you, it's the white witch, even some of the trees are on her side they must've told her there was a human in Narnia" he said with a reassuring look. "Now go! Before they find you!" He whisper yelled as he started to run back towards his house.

I ran back into the trees I came out of and pushed past all the coats, all the mothballs and old lady sents and found myself back in the wardrobe room, just the way it was before. I closed the door to the wardrobe and put the sheet back over it with some difficulty but I got it.

I unlocked the door and ran back out closing the door behind me.

"...I see you have found the wardrobe" Grandpa said.

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