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September 9th/10th 1940:

"We'll it is getting late, why don't we all talk more in the gardens tomorrow?" Peter offered and stood up. "I'd love to" I said with a warm smile. Peter smiled back before leaving to get ready for dinner.

"Y/n" Misses Mcready said as she entered my door way. "Yes Misses Mcready?" I asked slightly startled. "Dinner is ready" she said and started walking off to the Pevensies rooms.

I make my way downstairs and see my grandfather sitting at the head of the table with Misses Mcready sitting on the left side of him. I go and sit on the right of him and hear the Pevensies foot steps coming down the stairs.

Peter comes through the door first followed by his siblings. "Take a seat where ever you'd like" Grandpa said with a welcoming smile. The plates of food were already set out, 2 beside Misses Mcready and 2 beside me. Lucy rushes to sit beside me, Peter to her left meaning Edmund and Susan have the miss fortune of sitting beside Missed Mcready.

Both were hesitant but Edmund sat down beside Misses Mcready when Peter have him a nasty look. After everyone had sat down Grandpa said "I will be in my study" and without another word walked up the old Victorian stairs to his study.

Misses Mcready soon leaves the table as well, leaving just me and the Pevensie children. "I saw the flower crown you made Lucy, it was beautiful! Maybe you could teach us how to make them sometime" Susan started the conversation.

"Of course! They're simple enough" I said with a warm smile. "They're beautiful!" Said Lucy. Edmund was keeping quiet not being interested in flower crowns. Peter was just listening as he ate.

"Well why don't we all spend time in the gardens tomorrow?" Susan suggested. "Sounds lovely" Edmund said sarcastically. "Well then you can sit inside all alone then" Peter retorted.

The next morning I got up and looked out my window. "Aww, it's raining..." I said quietly to myself. I got ready for the day and started walking towards the Pevensies rooms. "Gastrovascular" I heard Susan say from inside. "Come on Peter Gastrovascular" Susan repeated.

"Is it Latin?" Peter asked as I entered the room and Susan responded "Yes". "Isn't it a part of a jellyfish?" I ask as I sit beside Susan. Lucy was looking out the rainy window and Edmund was laying under a chair. "Yes actually, how do you know that?" Susan asked, "I'm not really smart but I know a lot of random facts" I stated.

"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Edmund said as he sat up with a smile. No one else found his joke amusing. Susan closed the dictionary and Lucy came over behind Peter. "We could play hide and seek?" Lucy suggested.

"But we're already having sooo much fuuun" Peter said with a sarcastic tone while looking over to me and Susan. "Come on Peter pleaseee...pretty please" she said the last part quieter the then rest. "1...2...3...4" Peter started to count with a smile "What!" Edmund said as we all ran off to go hide. I saw Susan hiding in a chest of sorts, I could hear Edmund and Lucy arguing over a spot and I hid underneath one of the beds in a spare bedroom.

We could all still hear Peter counting as he made his way up to 100. "82...83...84..." the numbers passed rather quickly and I couldn't hear any movement anymore so Lucy must've found a spot. As Peter reaches 91 I feel this strange feeling...the same one I got when I first opened the wardrobe. "98...99...100...ready or not here I come!" Peter announced as I heard small foot steps running down the hallway.

"It's alright! I'm back! I'm alright!" I heard Lucy announce...she's the one who opened the wardrobe, she's been to Narnia. "Shut up he's coming!" I heard Edmund protest. "I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game?" Peter said as me and Susan walked towards the voices in the hall. "Weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy asked. "That's the point. That was why he was seeking you." Edmund replied.

"Does that mean we win?" Susan asked them for the both of us. "I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore" Peter replied turning to look at us. "But...I've been gone for hours" Lucy pushed. Yup she'd been to Narnia.

Lucy took us all to the wardrobe for Peter, Susan and Edmund to examine. Me and Lucy stood behind them all as they examined it. Lucy looked up and me and I winked, signalling to her that I know she's not lying. She smiled to wide but I put my finger to my mouth to tell her to keep quiet about it.

"Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe." Susan stated as she knocked on the back. "One game at a time Lu, not all of us have your imagination..." Peter stated as he and the others started to walk out of the room.

"But I wasn't imagining!" She protested once again. "That's enough Lucy." Susan said as they turned to look at us. I had my arm around Lucys shoulder trying to comfort her. "I wouldn't lie about this!" She said as tears filled her eyes. "Luc-" I said before getting cut off by Edmund saying "well I believe you".

"You do" Lucy said as she calmed down a bit. "Yeah of course! Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard" Edmund teased. "Will you just stop? You just have to make everything worse, don't you?" Peter said rolling his eyes at Edmund. "It was a joke!" He defended. "When are you gonna learn to grow up?" Peter continued until Edmund snapped at him. "Shut up! You think you're Dad, but you're not!" Then Edmund stormed out of the room.

"Well that was nicely handled" Susan said sassily before she followed Edmund out. "But...it really was there..." Lucy said again, "Susan's right Lucy, that's enough" Peter said in a disappointed tone as he followed the other two out.

"You believe me don't you?" Lucy said with tears threatening to fall. I walked over and shut the door so the others wouldn't hear. "Of course I do...I've been there too" I stated to comfort her.

"But we can't tell the others ok?" I said, not wanting them to think I was crazy.

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