8.1 | More Unknowns

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//more unknowns, part 01// 

An unexpected detour stalled our journey to the border. A giant winged being blocked our advance. Their neon-green wings kept them suspended off the ground. Their thousand-watt smile wavered, uncertainty slanting their expression.

Despite wanting nothing more than to put plenty of distance between us and the Sprite Council, seeing Nissa brought a sliver of joy. She had not been the one to rub salt in my wounds or throw threats at us. Rather, she had shown me the peace of flight and the amazing dizayen that lived in the canopy above.

Prince Rune was not used to her habit of invading personal space. He pulled away, encouraging me behind him. I stifled a giggle at his protectiveness. Unnecessary, but understandable, given how the meeting went.

"Hiya, Prince Rune Eslyr," greeted Nissa. To me, she said, "Belline Paris of Earth, I am so sorry I made ya late to that meetin'. I was just so excited to meet ya. And I had to unite ya and the dizayen. I hope I didn't get ya in too much trouble."

While the Prince reeled to catch up to her fast-forward talking, I reassured her, "It wasn't entirely your fault. I let myself be swayed by you. You're very persuasive."

Her smile grew. It matched her much better.

Prince Rune caught up. Still blinking rapidly, he asked, "Wait, dizayen?"

"Yes, Your Princeliness," said Nissa with a nod. Her expression remained open, innocent. "We have this healthy adolescent dizayen that, when I saw the Earth princess, I knew they were mates of the soul. So I took 'er to the gal. Which was probably a bad idea. They were awful, were they? I'm sorry about that again. I'm sorry about this, too. But I gotta ask ya something, Your Princeliness."

Even I had trouble keeping up with her rapid-fire speech. So when all Prince Rune could say was, "Mates of the soul?" I understood.

"Yes." Undeterred by his shellshock, she plunged on. "Ya see, Prince Rune Eslyr of the Royal City, the Earth princess loved it. I knew she would. Built for flyin'. You can see it in 'er eyes. I mean, they're the color of fantasy, doncha think? Like that beauty of a dizayen."

Something must've clicked. The Prince's face arranged itself into a scowl, worry lighting his coal eyes on fire. "She flew on a dizayen?" He turned to me. "Is this true?"

I gave a sheepish nod. But his concern couldn't stop the pure peace I had felt atop that dizayen, coasting through the air, above the treetop. Nothing but sky and life.

"I did. And I loved it, Rune. I think I felt what you feel when you ride Ryzel. Just absolute connection and peace and confidence."

Nissa invaded his space again, mere centimeters from his nose. "See? She's for sale, Your Princeliness. And Belline'd love 'er, wouldn't ya?"

Prince Rune studied me with pursed lips. I didn't bother to hide the fact that I did, indeed, want the dizayen: my eyes widened and I puckered ever so slightly. When a quiet sigh escaped his lips, my heart flared. He'd given in—the dizayen would be mine.

As he rubbed his forehead, he said, "I must confess that you coming to Yantra City to visit it worries me."

My brows knitted. "I can't take her home?"

"Dizayen have to live in the Great Canopy," answered Nissa. While her smile was large, rueful pity tinted it.

So to ride the dizayen, I would have to come to the Western Wind Cities? That did intimidate me. Especially after the not-so-subtle threats the Sprite Council had given us. But I had Jack to look after my safety. Something told me he wouldn't mind keeping an eye on me whenever I visited.

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