Chapter Eleven - April 22 2013, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Oh my god… I am so miserable right now.  My knee is killing me.  Every step hurts. There is a sharp pain exploding from the inside of my knee every time I put my foot down.   That pain then travel its way up to my lower back when I lift my foot back up.  This is officially worse than being tortured.  I only have to focus on handling the pain during torture, now I have to make an effort to walk forward at the same time.

Everything looks the same around here.  I think we are about forty miles east of Pittsburg.   We have been on foot for about three hours inside the woods paralleling a highway.  I am carrying about eighty pounds of supplies on my back and I think my spine is on strike right now.   It is only fifty degree outside but I am sweating like a pig. 

The group is moving in a staggered column formation.  Everyone has a sector that they are responsible for.  I am covering the left flank.  Mo is in front of me, he is on point, covering the front.  Nabil is behind me, he is covering the right.  Michael is next to him, he is covering topside.  And Wassem brings up the rear, covering our six.

I miss the cars.  I miss the uncomfortable back seat of the truck and the disgusting piss bottles all over the floor.   But we didn’t have a choice, we had to ditch them.  After fifteen hours of finding dead ends everywhere, to include the routes that we came up from, we tried to go off road.  It was fine for a little while, until the van got stuck in a big mud pit.  When we tried to pull it out with the truck, the stupid truck got stuck too.  After an hour of digging around the vehicles with no progress, we gave up and now we are on foot.

Just spotted a zombie trapped inside a BMW.  Doesn’t look like it will be able to get out.  The ones we came across haven’t noticed us.  So far, we have stayed  pretty far away from them.  But I think my theory was right about their weaken sensory abilities.  We are in their line of sight, but they just don’t see us.  

Another thing that has been creeping me out is the complete lack of wild animals.  None.  Zero.  I haven’t seen a bird, or a squirrel.   I guess either the zombies have ate them all, or the zombies have scared them all into hiding.

The guys have been quiet during the walk.  While we are trying to remain silent, I think everyone is quiet because of the overwhelming fear that hangs over all of our heads.  It was one thing to be traveling pass dead bodies, abandon cars, and roaming killer zombies when you are within the safety of your vehicle.  But now that we are on foot, we are completely exposed.  Yeah, we are armed to the teeth, but I think we all know deep inside that if we run into a couple hundred of these things, we are fucked.  I can see the fear in everyone’s eyes.  

I don’t know how much longer I can go on.  I didn’t want to be the first to request a break, but I might have to soon.  I hope someone else will speak up first.

“Hey, Mo?  I think I really need a break.  Can we stop soon?”

Yes!  That is Nabil’s voice.  He actually doesn’t sound tired at all.  But I don’t care as long as I wasn’t the first to ask.  Thank you, Nabil.  For being a wuss.

“Sure, Nabil.  Actually I think this is a pretty good spot to break.  We have high ground here, and good visibility.  And even a little bit of cover with these trees.  Okay, everyone, set up your defensive position, and we will take a breather.”

Man.  Mo is good fucking shape.  He barely has broken a sweat.  And he is like three years older than me.   Actually, no one else but me has really broken a sweat…

I guess everyone know I am the one who needs a break the most.  Thanks Wassem, for your condescending looks.  

Here is a good spot, I have decent cover behind the tree, and I can see everything that is heading this way from our left.  I need to drop this pack and lay down for a minute.  

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