Chapter Seven - April 15 2013, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

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Hmm, maybe the Mayans had it right all along, they were just a couple of months late.  The world is definitely falling apart.  After five days, the initial estimate is over four millions infected in major cities.  The government has established quarantine in almost every single major city in the country.  No one goes in or out.  Every state’s National Guards have been activated to maintain the quarantines.  The police and the local government in these cities are doing everything they can to maintain order, but chaos has reign supreme.  The government has announced they will start air-dropping supplies into the quarantine zones by the end of the week for the trapped residents.  Official warning was issued for all United States residents to stay indoor except for emergencies.  All civilian air traffic has been shut down.  The country is in complete lockdown mode.

Two days ago, Al Qaeda officially claimed credit for the zombie virus with a video online.  The President has been constantly appearing on TV to reassure the people,  but you can tell he is stressed.  He looks like he has aged twenty years since my brief with him.  He has openly stated that Al Qaeda will pay for their actions, but his empty words simply fades into the background as our country is stretched to its limits right now.  All day on CNN are stories of people losing their love ones to the virus.  There is a whole community of online live blogger documenting what is going on inside the quarantine zones.  The videos coming out from inside the quarantine were like something straight out of the movie 28 Days Later. 

I shiver with fear when I think of what is going on inside those quarantine zones.  My family are just outside the San Jose quarantine zone so I hope they are okay.  I can only pray that they have locked their doors tight and have plenty of food.  But Amy… Los Angeles… I hope she heeded my warning.

I can’t worry about any of them right now.  The only thing I can do for the ones I love is to find the anti-virus.  

I have been sitting in this room for five days now.  Everyday I thought about removing the watch by the window and have the FBI storm the house.  But I know I have no choice but to stick to the mission and get the anti-virus.  I can’t risk having Mo die during the raid, the chances are just too high with all the suicide vests around him all the time.  These people would rather die then to let themselves fall into our hands.

Mo usually comes by to see me three or four times a day.  GIving me updates of how their operation is going.  You have to be impressed with their resolve and inner strength.  He told me every single one of the zombie truck operators self infected with the virus in order to spread it.  Think about that for a second.  That is hundreds of people who are willing to accept being turned into a zombie in order to further the cause they believe in.  No matter how wrong and cruel their action is, there is something honorable in their total devotion to their believes.  How did we miss this?  They must have been planning this for a while.  How did we not pick up anything on chatter, or any of our sources in Al Qaeda?  I thought we got better at this after 9-11.

Okay, I need to come up with a plan now.  The first step is figuring out what is Mo’s next move.  I have been trying to elicit it out of him every time he comes visit but he is still on guard when he is here.  I assume they are going to get the hell out of dodge now that they have executed their plans.  But how, all civilian flights are locked down.  Probably through Mexico?  I need to find out what their exfiltration plans are.

*Knock, knock.* 

“Jin, can I come in?”  

Here is Mo’s daily zoo visit.  Remember, don’t pet the animals.

“Sure, hold on.  Okay, go ahead.”  

I don’t even wait for Ahmed anymore, I just go straight to the couch when Mo knocks.  I greet Ahmed every time and he always just pretend I am not there.

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