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It's not my fault right that I was the reason we were late to my wife's class righhtt yea RIGHT. We were exactly 6 minutes late on point 2 minutes me helping Mario and rest listening to Lila's lecture.

 Now we are standing outside of my wife's classroom knocking on her door waiting for it to open. Looking at the hallway and wondering this is perfect place for our wedding venue as it was this hallway were it all started. 

She was new here finding her classroom and I was walking down the hallway and I saw her. The goddess standing in front not too far but not too close looking at a piece of paper as if she was finding something, with hot steaming coffee in her hand. The way her hair was open and cascading down her shoulder as a waterfall but in deep chestnut color. And don't get me started on her lips ugghhhh those plum looking lips with matte red color on it ahhhh I just wanna bite.

 I went towards her to help her out. " hey need some help."

 " NO" she replied.

  damm ego much.

 But I won't back out " I can clearly see you need help and by your outfit you are a teacher" I say looking at her.

 " Were you checking me out" she says putting left hand on her hip trying to scare me.

 " Why would I be checking you out although you do look hawt in that black dress perfectly outlining your curves with those pencil heel sandals making you look tall so that you could terrify students and make yourself look like you have the authority over other's. Now am I right or am I right"

She just stared at me and went pass by me towards her classroom and I was kinda shocked that we were going towards the same destination. " Why are you following me" she asked and simultaneously glaring at me.

"To be honest, I would love to follow you but sorry to disappoint you I am not following I am just going towards my first period classroom which happens to be MATHS. Assuming that you are standing here to I suppose you are our new hawt teacher. Welcome" I say.

 To be honest I wasn't shocked that she was a teacher but I was shocked that she was a MATHEMATICS teacher why does god hate me. Why do all haawwtt teacher in the world have to choose boring subject to teach. 

" Get in the class and not a word" she said sternly and I went and sat on my chair. After few minutes of waiting she entered the classroom. What was she doing outside?. Waiting for a grand entrance. 

As she entered she spoke " Good Morning class my name is Mrs Lydia Masters, you all will be referring to me as Mrs Masters" wait a minute did she just say MRS. 


 Next thing I know was a snapping sound and a hand in front of my eyes waving left to right. I turned to look at the person and at that moment I saw her eyes deep blue greenish I would say filled with anger. 

You know what change of plans the same location for the funeral but instead of Lila you will be finding my body in the graveyard, cause of death: I annoyed the love of my life. RIP me.

There she stood standing in front of me looking at me with those killer eyes scaring the shit out of me, I mean Jesus Christ I thought she was an angel, daughter of GOD not of SATAN. 

The voice once I thought was a melody for my ears which could be a cure for any disease now could be a disease itself. I was looking left to right until I caught an attention where the fuck is Lila, then I see her standing inside the classroom behind Miss bitchy looking at me with worried eyes. 

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