Chapter 10

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With Sam alright and no longer worried about her nose, she and Adam head back to the locker rooms. When they get there Jay is in the same place that they left him. Sitting in a chair looking at his phone. 

"Sam! Love, what happened out there?" Jay springs out of his seat when Sam comes through the door. "I saw blood and then Adam help you backstage after the match." He adds. 

"I'm fine, Jay," Sam assures him with a casual smile. "Allie hit me in the nose pretty hard but it's fine." She pokes at her nose gently for emphasis. 

"You saw Sam get hurt but didn't bother to come check up on her?" Adam scoffs and tosses his jacket onto his gym bag. 

"I saw you help her backstage," Jay replies. "I figured that she'd be fine with you and I didn't want to get in the way." He adds. 

"Right." Adam scoffs again. 

"Knock it off, Adam." Sam rolls her eyes and picks up her gym bag from the floor. "I'm gonna go change really fast and then we can head down to that meeting with Khan. Be right back." She lugs her bag over her shoulder and disappears through the door. 

Adam grumbles to himself and walks over to his bag which earns a laugh from Jay. Unable to keep himself quiet, Adam swivels around and glares at Jay. 

"Something funny?" Adam asks with a sour expression. 

"Just you trying to start something, mate." Jay shrugs casually with a snicker. 

"She was hurt and you act like you don't even care?" Adam scoffs yet again. "Some friend you are." He turns back around. 

"Oh because you definitely had her back that whole match." Jay laughs. "Whatever man, believe what you want." He waves his hand. 

"What is this whole thing about, Jay? What's your endgame with her?" Adam swivels back around again.

"Endgame?" Jay replies. "What are you on about? Is this about you catching Sam and me earlier today?" He gets to his feet. 

"Maybe, so what?" Adam replies. 

"What? Are you jealous?" Jay laughs. 

"Listen here!" Adam takes a step forward but stops when the door swings open. 

Sam comes out of the locker room changed back into her casual clothes. She looks down at her phone and closes the door behind her before she looks back up at Adam and Jay. 

"What are you two in here bickering about?" She asks both men. 

"Just having a friendly conversation is all, love." Jay shrugs. "You ready to head out?" He asks her. 

"Yeah." Sam nods, "Adam, you want to meet us in Khan's office?" She notices that Adam isn't fully changed yet. 

"Yeah." Adam nods through gritted teeth. 

Sam nods and heads out with Jay, leaving Adam to curse the air when he's alone again. He finishes changing into his normal clothes and hurries to catch up with Jay and Sam. He spots them walking down the hall after a moment of sprinting, Jay's casually slung around Sam's shoulder. 

"Are you sure that everything's okay, Jay?" Sam asks Jay further down the hall. 

"Yeah, all's good." Jay nods. "Adam and I were just having a small disagreement is all. Nothing to worry about." He insists. 

"Okay." Sam nods.

The trio makes it to Khan's office and is greeted by AEW's CEO. Sam and Jay sit down to his left and Adam comes in and sits down to his right.

"Thank you all for coming down here." Tony thanks, everyone. "Adam, Sam, wonderful job in your match against Allie and Butcher." He adds.

"Thanks, Tony." Sam smiles back at him. "So, what's this meeting about?" She asks casually.

"Well..." Tony taps his fingers against the table. "Earlier today Jay and I had a short conversation and he mentioned a brilliant idea." He explains.

"Oh?" Adam replies and glances at Jay.

"Yeah." Jay nods. "I mentioned to Khan that if possible I'd love to get in on the mixed tag action that you and Sam have going on." He explains.

"Yes, and I think that it's a great idea." Tony comments. "It would add a bit of variety to the mixed tag scene and give Jay something more to do. But I wanted to run it by you and Sam before I made anything official of course." He adds.

"I think it's a great idea!" Sam is on board almost immediately. "Working with both of you guys would be awesome."

"I'm glad to hear it." Tony nods. "What about you, Adam?" He turns to Adam.

Adam hesitates for a moment before he speaks. Every bone in his body is telling him to tell Jay to go to hell with his idea. But the excited look on Sam's face stops him. She looks blissful. So excited about the prospect of working with Adam and Jay at the same time. And he can't break her heart like that.

"Yeah, it's fine with me." Adam gives Tony his answer.

"Yes!" Sam celebrates. "Man, I can't wait to tell Matt and Nick." She beams. "Tony, how do you want to play this?"

"We'll get you scheduled for a match on Dynamite against a pair. Allie and Butcher, again I'm thinking since she injured your nose tonight." Tony thinks for a moment. "Then we'll come up with a reason that Adam can't make it to the match." He adds.

"Like a backstage attack by The Blade?" Sam suggests.

"Exactly." Khan nods. "Adam will be unable to compete and Jay can step in and take Cole's place as Sam's partner."

"Brilliant idea." Jay agrees with the plan.

"Okay! I'll get it all set up and scheduled on the card." Tony nods. "See you all on Wednesday." He smiles at everyone.

Everyone nods and the trio heads out of Tony's office and back to the locker room so they can collect their stuff. 

"That was a great idea you had, Jay," Sam comments when everyone is out in the hall. 

"Thanks." Jay nods. "I was hoping that Khan would run with the idea." He adds. 

"I can't wait to get in the ring with you," Sam adds. "We should totally get in the gym sometime and do some practice runs before Dynamite on Wednesday." She suggests. 

"Yeah, tomorrow morning," Jay replies. "Adam, you're welcome to join as well of course." He adds with a snarky grin. 

"Yeah! We can all work on our partner moves." Sam agrees. "Let's say, 10 o'clock?" She suggests. 

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Adam nods. "I'll see you in the morning, Sam." Adam collects his bag from the locker room and heads out. 

Sam and Jay linger around for a little bit before they head out as well. Sam seems super excited about working with both of her best friends and Jay is happy that his plan to spend more time with her working. 

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