Chapter Six

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The next morning Adam gets up early and heads to one of yours and his favorite Cafe. He orders a cup of the coffee that Sam always gets and a breakfast sandwich as well then heads to her place to surprise her.

At Sam's place, she is just getting out of the shower when the doorbell rings through the house. Still naked and soaking wet she cracks open the door and shouts at Jay in the main room.

"Jay, could you get the door!" Sam yells out to Jay.

"Yeah, I've got it," Jay shouts back.

Jay stops digging through his suitcase for a clean shirt and walks to the front door. He peaks through the peephole and sees Adam standing on the porch with a bag and a coffee in his hand.

"Adam, what's up mate?" Jay pulls open the door and greets Adam.

"Jay?" Adam falters a little at seeing Jay at the door instead of Sam. "Where is Sam at?" He asks.

"She was in the shower. Should be out in a minute. Come on in, man." Jay explains and lets Adam inside.

"Oh, alright." Adam nods and steps inside the apartment.

Jay walks back over to his bag and goes back to looking for a shirt. Sam comes down the hall a few seconds later toweling off her hair.

"Jay, who was at the door?" Sam asks casually. "Oh, hey Adam!" She smiles when she sees Adam standing in the room.

"Morning, Sam. I brought breakfast." Adam holds his bag up to her.

"Really? I thought I smelled something good, thanks!" She steps forward and takes her goods from Adam.

"No problem." Adam shrugs. "I woke up early for once so I figured that I'd grab us some breakfast." He explains.

"That was sweet of you, thanks." Sam thanks Adam again. "Come on, we can sit in the kitchen and eat." She nods to the kitchen.

Adam nods and follows Sam into the kitchen where they sit and enjoy their breakfast. Jay comes into the room a couple of minutes later fully clothed now.

"I've got a couple of errands to run, but ill see you later tonight, Sam." He explains to Sam.

"Alright." Sam nods. "I'll see you later, Jay." She waves to him before he walks off.

A small part of Adam relaxes when Jay walks off. This means that he's got Sam all to himself again. No Jay to parade around her house without a shirt. 'Damn, show-off.' He thinks to himself.

After breakfast is done Sam catches a ride to the gym with Adam since he's there. They part ways for a few minutes to get changed then meet back up again to work out.

"So, how's Jay been treating you?" Adam asks randomly after he and Sam have been hanging out for a bit.

"Jay? He's been fine." Sam replies. "A perfect house guest." She smiles softly.

"Good. That's good." Adam nods. "It was really nice of you to let him stay, you know." He adds.

"I know." Sam nods. "It was really no problem." She shrugs. "I used to love hanging out with him. So it seemed like a no-brainer to me."

After Sam and Adam get their workout in, Adam treats Sam to some lunch like he promised. They grab food at one of Adam's favorite places and settle in so they can eat.

Sam sits and glosses over the menu she's seen a million times before. The sunlight from the window shines through and hits her skin just right to make it glow. Adam sits in his chair and stares at an unaware Sam.

'Say it. Just come out right now and say it. Sam, I love you.' He thinks to himself. Despite Adam's mind screaming at him to speak up, he remains silent. Just staring like a lovesick idiot.

"Adam? Is there something wrong?" Sam eventually catches the absent look in his eye.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was just spacing out." Adam snaps back to reality.

"Okay, just checking." Sam giggles. "What's on your mind?" She asks Adam.

"Nothing important." Adam lies with a shrug.

"Right, sure." Sam raises a brow at him.

She can tell that Cole is lying but she leaves the subject alone for the time being. The pair enjoy their lunch then Adam drops Sam back off at her place.

Sam heads into her apartment and Adam watches her from his car. He shakes his head as she disappears through her door.

"You're an idiot, Cole." He mumbles to himself and heads home himself.

Sam spends the rest of her afternoon doing various chores around the house until eventually, Jay comes back.

Sam is sitting on her couch watching tv when he gets back and joins her in the main room.

"Back already, Jay?" Sam teases him from the couch.

"Maybe I missed your company." Jay quips back and sits down next to Sam.

"Everyone does, eventually," Sam replies with a grin. "I was just about to order a pizza and watch a movie. Care to join?" She asks him.

"Sure, why not?" Jay nods.

Sam orders a couple of pizzas on her phone while Jay fetches a couple of drinks from the kitchen. After the pizza arrives the pair settle down on the couch and Sam picks a random movie to watch.

Halfway into the movie, Sam ends up cuddled up to Jay's side. And she gets no protest from him. Jay simply let's his arm fall over the back of her shoulder so they are both more comfortable and continues watching the movie.

"Well, that was nice," Jay comments when the movie is over. "Sam?" He adds when she doesn't answer him.

Jay glances to his side to find Sam asleep against his shoulder and he chuckles to himself. So as gently as he can, Jay shifts her off his shoulder and picks her up. He carries Sam to her bedroom and drops her off then goes to walk off.

"You know you can stay if you want, right?" Sam offers once again with a tired yawn.

"Alright, just tonight though." Jay gives in, admittedly tired of sleeping on the couch.

"Yay!" Sam lets out a tired giggle and snuggles back into her pillow.

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