Chapter 4

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Friday afternoon Adam pulls into the parking lot of the convention center that Rampage is filming in for the week. He finds an empty spot and pulls his rental car into the space then retrieves his bags from the back seat. 

"What the hell?" Adam spots Sam and Jay together getting out of a rental car a few spaces away from him. "Again?" He scoffs and clenches his keys in his hand. 

Adam comes to a stop and watches Sam and Jay make their way to the back of the rental car. Sam is laughing about something as she tosses Jay the keys to the car. 

"Just open the trunk." Sam laughs, from what Adam can hear. 

He watches Jay pull open the trunk and pull two bags out of the compartment. Adam recognizes the first one as Sam's green bag that she's always using. Then Jay grabs what Adam assumes is his black bag next. With both of the bags now out of the trunk, Jay slams it shut and picks up his bag. Then he and Sam start walking side by side towards the building entrance. Neither of them notices Adam lingering a few cars away. 

"You've got to be kidding me?" Adam whines and shakes his head. 

"Hey, Adam! That you!" Matt and Nick walk up to Cole a few seconds later. 

"Matt! Nick! Where did you two come from?" Adam plasters a casual smile on his face. 

"We parked a couple of rows away." Nick gestures vaguely behind him. "What are you doing just standing in the middle of the parking lot?" He asks Adam. 

"I was making sure I didn't forget my phone." Adam lies and quickly pats his pocket. 

"Oh, alright." Nick buys the lie. 

The trio start walking to the building entrance again and Matt clicks through his phone while he walks. 

"Hey, Adam. Have you talked to Sam, today?" Matt puts his phone away and glances at Adam. 

"Not today, no." Adam shakes his head. "Why?" 

"Well, I know that she and Jay had some kind of plans today." Matt sighs. "I tried to call her earlier to ask her about some editing problems that we were having with the BTE footage for the week. But she never answered me." He explains. 

"Yeah, she and Jay have been attached at the hip this all week." Adam nods. "What's that about?" He glances Matt and Nick's way to read their faces. 

"Ah, Sam and Jay have always gotten along well." Nick waves his hand. "They're just taking some time to catch up is all." He insists without worry. 

"Right." Adam nods. 

When the trio arrives at the locker room Sam is there looking through her bag and Jay is nowhere to be found. Adam glances around for a second in search of Jay just in case, but he seems to be gone. 

"Adam, Matt, Nick!" Sam greets Adam and her brothers when they show up. "There you guys are." 

"Hey, Sam." Nick greets his sister casually. 

"Yeah, hey Sam." Adam does the same. "Is Jay here yet?" He asks, pretending that he didn't see Sam and Jay earlier. 

"Yeah, he's talking with Tony in the office." Sam nods. "Matt, you tried to call me earlier right? Sorry, Jay and I were at a movie." She turns to Matt. 

"Oh, no biggie." Matt shrugs. "I just need you to look over some editing stuff that I messed up, later." He explains. 

"Alright, just send it to me later." Sam nods. "Adam, are you ready for our tag match later?" She turns her attention back to Adam. 

"Yeah, I just need to change is all." Adam nods. 

Everyone gets changed and ready for the show. When Jay comes back from Khan's office, Sam is right back at his side. Much to Adam's dismay. He watches them chat casually while laces up his boots. 'Just catching up, my ass.' He thinks to himself. 

"Adam?" Sam's voice snaps Adam out of his thoughts. 

"Hmm? Yeah, Sam?" Adam blinks a couple of times. 

"Come on, it's we're due in the ring," Sam explains. 

"Oh, right." Adam nods and stands back up. 

Sam and Adam head down to the ring for their match and Adam relaxes again. No Jay, no Bucks. Just him and Sam taking on whoever their opponents happen to be this week. This is the part of Adam's job that he loves the most. The best part of his week. 

"You want to start tonight?" Sam asks Adam when they get to the ring. 

"Why? You scared, Sam?" Adam jokes with a laugh. 

"Me?" Sam scoffs. "I'm not scared of anything." She grins. "But you can still start out the match." 

"Fair enough." Adam chuckles and steps into the ring. 

The bell rings right away since Butcher and Bunny are already in the ring and ready to go. Butcher starts things off with Adam and the match gets underway. 

"Sam, tag!" Adam makes a dash for the corner and tags Sam in when things start getting tough. 

Sam holds her hand out and tags into the match. She hops over the top rope and runs into Bunny knocking her back into the opposite corner. Then, with Bunny in the corner Sam hits her with a couple of knees and some shots to the body. Just to wear her down a bit.

Overall it's a pretty easy win for Adam and Sam. Sam gets the pin on Bunny then Adam slides into the ring and raises her hand when the bell rings. 

"Yeah! Way to go, Sam!" Adam greets Sam in the ring and celebrates with her.

"Hell yeah! Another win for us, the premiere mixed tag team!" Sam beams and drops her hand to hug Adam like she does after every win. 

Adam gladly accepts the hug and wraps his arms around Sam tightly, savoring the feeling of having her in his arms. When the pair finally head backstage Jay is there waiting for them behind the curtain. 

"Jay!" Sam greets him with a smile. 

"Hey!" Jay grins right back at her, dressed in his ring gear. "Water?" He offers Sam a fresh bottle. 

"Thanks." Sam nods and takes the bottle. "You get a match booked?" She nods to Jay's ring gear. 

"Yeah." Jay nods. "Just a squatch match to knock off the rust." He explains. "Drinks after? It is Friday after all." 

"Totally." Sam eagerly nods. "I'm sure that Adam and my brothers will want to come too, right Adam?" She turns to Adam silent at her side. 

"Yeah, I could go for drinks." Adam nods. 

"Perfect!" Jay agrees. "See you guys after my match." He winks at Sam just as his music hits and walks off. 

Sam cheerfully nods and starts heading back to the locker room. Adam follows silently behind her and begins scheming how he's going to manage to keep Sam away from Jay all night without making her upset or her brothers suspicious. 

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