Chapter Five

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After Rampage Adam joins everyone at the bar for drinks like he said that he would. He arrives a little later than everyone else and finds Sam and Jay already nursing drinks and talking when he arrives.

Adam eyes Sam laughing at something Jay said and jealousy once again bubbles up to the surface. He walks over to the table and sits down next to Sam.

"Hey guys, you start without me?" He jokes as he sits.

"Hey, Adam." Sam grins. "We just got a drink was all. You didn't miss much." She explains.

"Cool. What are we talking about?" Adam nods beckons someone over to the table.

"Sam was just talking to me about letting me stay at her place a few more days," Jay replies and picks up his drink. "Just until I find a place to stay."

"Oh?" Adam chokes a bit but plays it off. "Sam, that's nice of you." He turns to Sam.

"Like I told, Jay. It's no problem." Sam shrugs. "I love having Jay over for company." She smiles innocently.

Adam nods again and orders a drink. He mumbles under his breath something about Jay that no one but him hears. Sam doesn't seem to notice Adam's sudden salty mood, but Jay does.

The trio hangs out and chats for a bit until Sam dismisses herself to go to the bathroom. Adam watches her walk off into the bathroom before he turns back to Jay.

"Jay, you need any help looking for a place?" He asks Jay casually.

"No, not really." Jay shakes his head. "Sam has been helping me look. I think that we've got it covered." He explains.

"Right." Adam nods.

"Adam, man. Are you alright?" Jay replies. "You've seemed a little out of it since we last talked." He points out.

"I'm fine." Adam insists, not wanting to make a scene.

Jay nods but doesn't believe a word that Adam says. They both fall into silence until Sam comes back to the table. Then the conversation picks back up again.

Everyone falls back into a comfortable groove as the trio shares drinks and chats about whatever comes to mind.

Later into the night, Adam goes to the bathroom and when he comes back Sam is on the other side of the table next to Jay. He stops at the bathroom door when he sees the switch.

"You've got to be kidding me." Adam clenches his fist.

'I just can't win.' He thinks to himself and walks over to the bar to get another drink.

"You look like you need a shot, my man." The bartender walks over to service Adam.

"You've no idea." Adam chuckles with a nod.

"Here." The bartender pours a shot and hands it to Adam. "On the house. I know how much third-wheeling sucks." He explains and nods over to Sam and Jay across the bar.

"I....yeah man." Adam sighs and takes the shot.

With his shot downed, Adam walks back over to the table with Sam and Jay. He sits down just as Sam is finishing talking to Jay about something work-related.

"I think that Jay and I are gonna head out soon, Adam." She informs Cole. "But before we go, do you wanna meet me at the gym tomorrow morning?" She asks him.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Adam nods. "Say around 10 am? Then we can grab lunch after?" He suggests.

"Yeah!" Sam eagerly nods. "Sounds great, I'm gonna go pay the tab. Be right back, Jay." She pulls out her purse and walks over to the bar.

Jay nods and again watches Sam walk off to the bar. Jay notices this and raises a brow at Sam.

"Adam, mate. Don't let Matt or Nick catch you staring at her like that." He chuckles, making a casual joke.

"Oh what? Like you aren't always all over her?" Adam snaps.

"Whoa, it was just a joke, man," Jay replies.

"Right." Adam scoffs but stops when Sam comes back to the table.

"You ready to go, Jay?" Sam asks Jay.

"Yeah, see you later Adam." Jay nods but doesn't say anything about Adam.

Sam waves to Adam before she walks off with Jay. Adam scoffs to himself once he's alone and gets one more drink from the bar before he heads home as well.

"She seems like a cool girl." The bartender comments to Adam. "I can see why you like her."

"Yeah...she's great." Adam laughs to himself and downs his drink. "Thanks, man, here you can keep the change." He hands over a few bills and sighs.

"Hey! Thanks." The bartender takes the money. "And hey, keep your chin up man. She doesn't seem like she's totally gone just yet." He adds.

"You think?" Adam replies.

"Absolutely." The bartender nods with confidence.

On the ride back to Sam's place, Jay decides to ask Sam about Adam. Curious as to why Adam suddenly got all defensive at a harmless joke.

"Hey, Sam?" Jay prompts the conversation.

"Yeah?" Sam glances at Jay for a brief moment.

"I don't mean to sound like a gossip, but what's up with Cole? Did he seem a little off tonight?" He asks her.

"So it was just me then?" Sam replies. "I'm not sure what his problem was. But I'm sure that he's fine." She shrugs.

"Right." Jay nods.

Sam pulls her car into her driveway and heads inside with Jay. Jay walks to her living room where he's been crashing and Sam follows.

"You know that I've got a perfectly functional bed back there," Sam explains. "It's a California King, plenty of room for myself and your lanky ass." She offers again.

"I'm alright on the couch, love." Jay insists. "Really, I am."

"Alright." Sam nods. "Your loss, big guy." She jokes. "Because damn is it comfortable."

Jay chuckles and settles down on the large couch in front of him while Sam walks off to her bedroom. He considers her offer for a second. It would be much more comfortable than this couch. But he ultimately decides against it and settles down for the night. It just wouldn't be right to invade Sam's privacy like that.

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