Chapter Seven

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The next morning Sam wakes up with a yawn when sunlight streams in through her window. She sits up with another yawn and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Jay is fast asleep on the other side of the bed, snoring into his pillow. Sam grabs her phone off of her nightstand and checks her messages first thing. She finds a couple of work emails that she'll need to look at later and a text from Adam. The message is him asking her if she wants to work a match on AEW Dark later in the day since it's filming for next week's episode. 

"Hmm? Ugh, what time is it?" Jay wakes up from Sam's shifting on her side of the bed. 

"Morning sleeping beauty." Sam jokes. "It's almost eight." She answers Jay with a laugh. "I assume that you slept well?"

"Much better than the couch, I admit." Jay chuckles and sits up. "Thanks, for letting me crash here I mean." He thanks, Sam. 

"Of course." Sam nods. "How many times do I have to remind you that I actually happen to like your company? Hmm?" She teases Jay and climbs out of bed. 

"Well, why don't I make some breakfast as a token of my gratitude," Jay suggests. 

"Sure, you know where the kitchen is." Sam shrugs. "I'm gonna grab a quick shower." She adds and walks towards the bathroom door. 

Jay nods and waits for Sam to disappear behind the door before he gets up and heads out to the main room for his suitcase. He drags it back to Sam's bedroom and changes there before he heads back out to the kitchen to make breakfast. 

Sam showers and then picks an outfit for the day before she joins Jay in her kitchen. She grabs a cup of coffee then sits down at her island and watches Jay cook. 

"Well don't you make just the cutest housewife?" She laughs and sips her coffee. 

"I've made my fair share of breakfasts for my friends while they were busy showering." Jay quips back, his back to Sam. 

"Oh really?" Sam laughs. "Let me guess, lady friends right?" She rolls her eyes. 

"Precisely." Jay nods. "Most of them are usually either too tired or sore to make themselves a good meal in the morning. So I am happy to provide." He turns around to Sam with a grin. 

"Oh get over yourself, Jay." Sam laughs and rolls her eyes again. "I don't think that you could handle me, anyway." She adds and picks her coffee back up. 

"Oh, you'd be pleasantly surprised at what I can handle sweetheart." Jay challenges her. "Now be a good girl and eat your pancakes." He slips a plate of hot pancakes across the island at her. 

Sam eyes Jay with a mischievous grin of her own and pulls her plate towards her. Jay keeps eye contact with her for a moment to play a little game before Sam finally looks away. 

"You're an ass." Sam pushes her laugh down with a forkful of food. 

"Awe, you love me." Jay grins back at her. "After you eat I've got a much more enjoyable activity to say thanks for letting me stay here free of charge if you're interested. It even involves high cardio if you're worried about missing the gym." He adds with a suggestive wink. 

Sam chokes on her mouthful of food for a second, immediately getting at what Jay's hinting at. She locks eyes with her impromptu roommate for a moment suddenly fresh pancakes are the furthest thing from her mind. 

"Oh? Why don't we skip breakfast then?" Sam pushes her plate away from her. "Why don't you remind me just how comfortable my couch is?" She asks with doe eyes. 

Jay wastes no time and is across the kitchen in an instant and carrying Sam to her living room before she's got time to think. 

Around half an hour later Adam pulls up to Sam's apartment with a coffee sitting in his passenger seat. Sam never got back to him about filming on Dark tonight so he assumes that she's sleeping in and needs a wake-up call. He gets to Sam's front door and rings the doorbell and waits. 

"Shit!" Sam pushes Jay off of her when the doorbell chimes. "Coming!" She shouts at the top of her lungs and scrambles out from under Jay. "Put your pants back on, I'll get the door." 

Sam rushes to pick her shirt up off of the floor as well as her pants sitting next to them on the carpet. She struggles back into her clothes as she makes her way to the front door and pulls it open. 

"Adam?! Hey." Sam coughs when she opens the door. 

"Sam, hey." Adam greets her. "Did you just wake up?" He asks curiously. "I messaged you earlier but you never got back to me." 

"Message, right right." Sam nods, clearly out of breath for some reason. "Come in." She steps away from the door and smoothes her shirt down. 

Adam nods and comes inside the apartment. He takes notice of Sam's wrinkled clothes and tossed hair. Something very uncharacteristic of her. Then Adam rounds the corner and sees Jay grinning like an idiot as he pulls his sweats on and the pieces instantly click.

'Oh no.' Adam thinks to himself, his chest tightening slightly. 'I'm too late.' He scolds himself as he turns back around to Sam. 

"So, umm..." Adam stutters a bit. "Dark, tonight. Do you want me to book us for it?" He asks Sam. 

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Sam shrugs. "You know that I'm always down to work some extra hours." She beams. 

"Alright." Adam nods. "Here, I stopped and grabbed a coffee for you on the way here. I figured that you'd be sleepy still." He hands Sam the coffee gently. 

"Thanks, Adam. You're the best." Sam takes the coffee and goes in for a hug. 

Adam hugs Sam tightly and stares at Jay over her shoulder. Jay locks eyes with Adam for a second and shrugs at the judgmental glare that Adam is giving him. Sam lets go of Adam and he goes back to smiling. 

"Well, I've got a few errands to run today. But I'll meet up with you at the arena tonight, Sam." He turns back to Sam. 

"Alright, see you then, Adam." Sam nods and walks him back to the door. 

Adam gets in his car parked on this street and sits in silence for a few minutes. Just processing what he just witnessed inside that apartment. Jay banged her. He's sure of it. How else could you explain her wrecked clothes and hair? And that shit-eating grin on Jay's face when Adam came inside?

'Well, what in the hell am I going to do now?' Adam thinks to himself before he finally leaves. He lied about having errands to run. No, now Adam has a whole day to himself to wallow in self-pity. A whole day to beat himself up for ever letting Jay get that close to Sam in the first place. It's his fault. Sam is slipping away from Adam for good, and he doesn't have a clue what he's going to do about it. If he can even do anything for that matter. 

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