Chapter Nine

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One quick phone call, that's all it takes on Jay's part. One phone call and Jay is catching an Uber to the arena while Dark is taping for a meeting with Tony Khan. He gets to the arena around an hour after Sam and Adam have arrived and heads straight to Khan's office. 

"Jay, please come in and sit." Tony greets Jay when he arrives. 

"Mr. Khan, good afternoon." Jay nods and shuts the door behind him. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice." He adds. 

"Of course." Tony nods and gestures to an empty seat at the table. "Now I recall that you said something about potentially tagging with Samantha Jackson and Adam Cole, correct?" He asks Jay. 

"Yes." Jay nods and sits down. "I'm so used to working with partners at my side from my time in NJPW, and I'm also good friends with Sam and Adam." He explains. "I've seen the work they're doing in the mixed tag department, and I'd love to get in on it if possible." 

"Well, it's certainly an interesting idea." Tony nods and folds his arms in front of him. "I'd love to explore this with Miss Jackson and Mr. Cole, perhaps after Dark gets done taping? If you are willing to stick around for a bit, that is." He explains. 

"Not a problem." Jay shrugs. "I'd love to stick around so we can get this all sorted out." 

"Great." Tony nods. "I've got another meeting in a few minutes but please feel free to hang around backstage until the taping is over." He adds. 

"Right, I guess I'll be back then." Jay nods and heads out so Tony can get back to work. 

Jay heads off and finds himself wandering into the locker room area, he finds the one with the Jackson name stuck on the top and knocks gently on the door. He stands and waits for a moment before the door gets pulled open and Sam answers it with a smile. 

"Yeah, oh Jay!?" Sam's face flashes with a look of surprise. "What are you doing here?" She leans against the door casually. 

"I had a meeting with Khan." Jay shrugs. "He actually wants to speak with all three of us when Dark gets done taping." He explains. 

"Yeah? What are you up to, White?" Sam asks him with a suspicious look. 

"Just looking to spend some more time with my best friend and my girl." Jay grins. "So, can I come in?" He asks her. 

"Yeah, come on." Sam rolls her eyes and lets Jay into the locker room. 

Jay and Sam both head inside and Sam shuts the door behind her. Adam comes out from the other room dressed in his ring gear a couple of seconds later with a bewildered look on his face. 

"Jay, what's up, man?" Adam coughs and is quick to regain his composure. 

"Adam, looking good, mate." Jay chuckles. "I was just telling Sam that we've all got a meeting with Khan after Dark is done taping." He explains. 

"Oh, alright." Adam nods. "We'll be back in a bit, then." He adds and walks over to Sam. "Sam, you ready to head out?" 

"Yep. Be back in a bit, Jay. Just make yourself comfortable." Sam nods and pulls the door open with Adam behind her. 

Sam and Adam head down to the ring and do their normal ring entrance. This is the place where Sam thrives and where Adam thinks that she looks the most radiant and most like herself. Confidence pouring out of her like it's naturally occurring with a glow that Adam can only describe as heavenly. Not to mention her smile. Adam absolutely lives for Sam's smile. 

Sam takes her place in her team's corner first and lets Adam start the match. Adam gets in the ring with Butcher and the bell rings for the action to start. 

"Watch her, Adam," Sam warns Cole when he gets near the opposite corner. 

"Crap!" Adam reels back when he realizes that Bunny is reaching for him. 

Adam manages to sidestep Butcher and tag Sam's hand and force a change in the match. Sam slips into the ring and hauls it across the mat and right into Bunny and she gets in the ring. Sam and Bunny go at it for a while and Sam tries her best to keep Bunny from making a tag back to Butcher. 

Bunny ends up landing a nasty kick to Sam's face and creates enough space to make the tag out to her partner. Sam drops to the matt and holds her nose in pain causing Adam to jump into the ring after her. 

"Sam! Are you alright?" Adam leans down to check on his partner. 

"Yeah yeah, Sam waves him off with her free hand," Sam replies. "Go get him!" She hauls herself off the mat and slips out of the ring. 

Adam nods and goes at Butcher hard. Hard enough to warrant a quick pin and the bell rings to signal victory. Adam slips back down to the floor and is eager to check on Sam again. 

"Sam! Is your nose alright?" Adam hurries over to her. 

"Yeah, just hurts like a bitch." Sam nods, still holding her nose. 

"Let me see." Adam grabs her hand and pulls it away from her face. "Oh geez. hey, we need a medic!" He shouts when he sees the blood starting to ooze from Sam's nose. 

"Adam, I'm starting to get light-headed." Sam waivers a bit. 

"I've got you," Adam replies and quickly grabs Sam's arm to help hold her up. "Come on, let's get you backstage." He adds when the medical staff on standby gesture to bring Sam back with them. 

Adam helps Sam backstage and to the medical room set up in the arena. They immediately start tending to her nose and Adam waits outside the room for them to finish. It takes around 10 minutes before one of the medical staff comes out and lets Adam in to see Sam. 

"Hey, are you alright? What did they say?" Adam walks over to Sam now looking alright. 

"Yeah, I'm, okay." Sam nods. "Just had a bleeder is all. Happens when it's allergy season." She shrugs and rubs her nose casually. "Why? Were you worried about me?" 

"Of course, I was," Adam replies. "You said that you were lightheaded." He reminds her. 

"Yeah, bleeding gives me headaches." Sam laughs. "Adam, I'm okay, I promise." She assures Adam with a smile. 

"Alright, I believe you." Adam nods. "Just don't do that to me again." 

"No promises." Sam giggles. "Now come here." She opens her arms and demands a hug from Adam. 

Adam smiles to himself and steps forward into Sam's hug. He hugs her tight and cherishes this small moment with her. 

"Alright, let's get you back to the locker room." Adam lets Sam go after a minute. 

"Yeah, Jay is still waiting for us." Sam nods and hops to her feet. "I wonder what Khan wants to talk to all of us about?" She adds. 

"Right, Jay. Great." Adam mumbles to himself. 

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