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When Ethis came for a routine check the next night, Luca wasn't there. He searched the whole apartment and found no traces of where he might have gone. Feeling defeated, He slumped down on the couch with his head in his hands. His phone buzzed for him to go help out an alley attack and he left, still concerned about where Luca could have gone.

When he got to the alley, there was a figure lying crumpled and curled up on the ground with five or six guys surrounding him. 'Apex' beat the guys until they went running but when he turned back around, the previously crumpled figure was gone. He turned back to alley entrance and watched a few of the guys all getting in a van and throwing the person he had seen into the back harshly. Apex caught a glimpse of the victims face as he was thrown into the van. Luca. Anarchy. He may have been able to fly, but at the speeds the van was travelling, he couldn't keep up. He flew as high as he could to get an ariel view and watched as the van completely disappeared.

"SHIT! Where have they gone? Damn it..." He yelled out of frustration, sadness and anger. He flew back down into the alley to check for any clues and found a shredded bag with groceries that he hadn't noticed before because of the adrenaline. He grabbed the groceries and carried them back to Luca's apartment carefully. The bag was barely holding together, and it looked like it was about to break under the strain of the cat food, milk, and various other assorted groceries.

He unlocked the door and Alastor came strutting up to him and meowed louder than a kitten looks like he should be able to. Ethis picked him up gently and carried him around.
"Guess I'm going to be taking care of you for a while, seeing as though your owner went on hiatus." He whispered, petting the sweet cat gently.

Ethis put him down so he could put the groceries he found away and grabbed one of the tins of catfood out of the cupboard.
"I'll admit I may not know when he usually feeds you, but for now, this will be the new schedule. Sorry little buddy." He muttered, putting the canned food into the cat bowl. He put it down for the kitten to eat and left, locking the door behind him. As far as he was aware, it was going to be a long night of looking, starting with where the van disappeared in the tunnel.

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