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After the little trick concluded I began raiding the fridge of the place. Finding some cut watermelon I gladly indulged. Lin laid down on the table exhausted from her training, she was like my escort. 

"Want some?" With a stuffed mouth I sounded muffled, she just groaned for a good long minute. Guess not, I shrugged. Her loss. I plopped in the chair next to her chowing down on the juiciest watermelon I've ever had.

I wonder what Tod's doing right now. 

With the thought hanging a weird blurring occurred. My eyes shut unwillingly and before I knew it my head was on the table. What the fuck is going on? There was a crisp ringtone sound.

I blinked looking at the phone in my hand with a caller ID I hadn't recognized. Yet I still pressed the green button. I put it up to my ear in anticipation, "Hello." My eyes widened, it was Tod on the other end.

"Oh...hey." I blinked.

"How are you? You haven't been at the shop lately."

"Oh, you know," I cleared my throat, "I have a date..."

"Really now? That's exciting, are you nervous?"

I began to pace, "Incredibly so," I couldn't stress enough the level of nervous excitement.

Tod chuckled, "Well don't fuck it up."

I laughed, "I won't," my face burned.

"Oh, and condoms don't forget those."


Then suddenly everything began collapsing, "What's going on?" Tod didn't answer and when I looked down there was nothing. 

My heart sank and I abruptly gasped awake. I looked up at Lin who appeared to have been shaking me. She breathed heavy breaths. "Are you ok? Oh my gosh, someone didn't control their ability and they had this ability burst!  Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

I held my head watermelon juice sticky on my face, my hair practically swimming in it. "What do you mean!?"

"We were all out for about two minutes some people are still asleep but should be awake soon. Luckily it only made it to a small radius..."

I looked at her slowly shaking my head, "That wasn't real? But it felt so real..."

Lin bit her lip, "This specific person's ability type is to distort reality. If it had gone on longer we would all need psychological assessments..."

Fucking fantastic. Hopefully, this isn't a common occurrence.

I went back to the estate after that, a feeling of confusion lingering on my head like a blanket. Nearing the kitchen Veer's voice hit off the walls, speaking more words per minute than I ever will in a day.

"Mabel was crying afterward because she didn't know what she did and the adults got super upset!" He then took a breath, "She isn't going to get kicked out is she?"

Rabby leaned against the table arms crossed and appeared to be taking things very seriously, slowly shaking his head in answer. Aito was typing something on his phone but just as enamored in the little man's story, Dawson looked up upon seeing me. "Where were you?" The others looked in my direction. 

I remembered Veer was also at the training grounds and got worried but he looked fine. "I was at the training area," They froze in real time, it was kind of funny the way they looked like deer in the headlights. 

"You were there!? Did the ability burst get you?" Veer asked in shock.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, and if I was even a little closer after passing out I would've drowned in juice." I then deepened my voice, "Here lies a soul who drowned dot dot dot in watermelon juice!" I tried to lighten the mood and ultimately failed. Losses to losses.

"Are you okay?" Aito exclaimed rushing up to me, "I'm fine although it felt real so it's confusing" They all seemed to sigh in relief. 

"Mabel is a six year old girl with a mental ability type, she's A rank and her training today got a little too dangerous," Rabby explained and I took that information in. She must reside in the orphanages here, there are plenty of children being raised by the people on the island with human parents that abandoned them or thought it was safer here.

 "Do all children get training?" I questioned going over to sit down. 

"Yes, without training it's difficult for a child, especially a gifted one, to control their Esper powers," Dawson said.  I never got training from what I know yet I turned out fine, "I never had any practice," I trailed off.

Dawson sat next to me discreetly grabbing my hand with his own, his body temperature warming my side. An unknown part of me calmed down at the contact, I never knew I would like physical touch until, well, them.

Rabby abruptly stood straight, Veer copying the action like a little soldier. "Lisen bub, this guy, yes Shiloh, he's with us now. Think of him as...a papa." 

What!? I'm suddenly a father at 20!?

I watched in horror as the little man's face changed, crazy eyes locked with mine. Tiger teeth grinned and all I could do was look back and forth between the siblings. Dawson leaned back laughing. Aito's phone dinged and he shouted, "It's here!"

Veer ran up to me to give me a big hug, attached to my waist like a belt. "You are my papa now too?" How many do you have??? Wait, don't answer that.


What Aito shouted earlier was actually pizza after eating I showered quickly and came back to a dark living room. They had set up the living room like a mini theater. Veer brought blankets, popcorn, and turned off anything brightly lit such as covering the windows. 

"Ok, now everyone close your eyes I'm going to pick a movie!" Veer shouted in excitement. It was this guy's night with everyone apparently.

I sat in between Rabby and Dawson, while Aito sat next to Rabby. We followed Veer's command eventually after hearing clicks of the remote it was finally switched on, Veer then proclaimed "Ok open them now!" He then rushed to his mattress of blankets on the floor.

The movie began, I waited in anticipation as to what he put on. I thought it was going to be something animated or kid friendly, but I was dead wrong.

Annabelle began playing.

Oh hell no.

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