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I got a tour of this amazing island, and even got a handbook of the rules which were mostly "don't kill each other, don't be sexist, racist, etc". I met a lot of people, so much so that I don't remember anyone because of how overwhelming it was. Safe to say I stayed in my room all day that day some people brought me food and a bunch of little gifts. They told me about how I'm a protector and there's only a handful of us, basically saying there isn't a lot of A rank. B rank were their guardians, the people who kept order and kept the island a secret.

Of course, not just anyone can get into these roles. But apparently, with A rank it's different because there are so few their automatically considered a protector. The C and D all took on the normal job roles like cooks, cleaners, business owners, etc. I'm not sure how everything works but I think I'd know better with time.

Two days have passed since then. I've gotten to learn plenty of people but the guys that I really wanted to get closer to went on another mission. "Shiloh" I flinched from my thoughts coming almost face to face with Nikki. She didn't even knock just walked into the manor. I found this a little disconcerting. I mean many guardians stayed around but not typically inside.

Meet Nikki, a blonde haired tanned skin surfer girl, ranked C a manipulation type. Or at least that's what she said. I don't get the good "vibe" from her. Her impression consisted of clinging to Aito's arm with a group of her friends just as close to us acting very very friendly.

Uncomfortable I shifted away. "Why are you all cooped up in your room? Why don't we go do something, Kadey was talking about smoothies..."

"Uh," I looked at my mostly empty room. It had a full view of the ocean which I really liked and the bedding was so comfortable I could sleep for ages. "Sure why not," having nothing else to do I think it would be fine. I brought some money and changed into much more breezy clothes, a tank top with some shorts. I'm also going to buy some clothes while I'm at it. With how naturally hot it is I'm going to be so sweaty, I dreaded the end of the day.

I met with the girls at the entrance informing a guardian that I would be out for a while. We made it to a smoothie shop everyone mostly got a strawberry or strawberry & banana. I got a honeydew, it was delicious. There was this one girl in the group who didn't speak much English and the other girls didn't seem to want to help her with ordering. "What's your name?" I asked and there seemed to be some relief as her shoulders sunk down.

"Veda," I suspect she spoke Spanish but that was just me guessing. I pointed out the smoothies on the menu and when I was done I saw Vikki give me a weird look. "Uh, the orange." And she got her orange smoothie visibly brightening when it went smoothly. I felt Vikki and some of her friends giving me looks when we left the shop and deciding I wasn't going to deal with it I mouthed "what" when we both made eye contact.

"Nothing," she said but seeing as I had her attention she easily slipped in beside me. There seemed to be some pink to her face. "Hey you know Aito...right," she had a big grin on her face looking at me then looking ahead as if shy. "I guess," I answered.

We made it to the beach area which wasn't very crowded today since it was so hot. Everyone was lazing inside their homes with air conditioning. "Wellll," she drawled, "he's kind of my idol you see we both manipulate Earth." She then made a show of extending a palm tree down offering me to grab a coconut. I chuckled a bit plucking it off, I know just what to do with this later. Eat it.

"Oh that's cool," wow I don't think I'm bringing a lot to the table here. "So, do you like him?" She shrieked and the group of her closest friends stared at me like I just smelled their underwear or something. "W-why would you think that!?"

It's totally obvious. My dead stare must've hit something in her head because she growled, "yes I do, So don't get close to him!"


"I know what you're doing, you are trying to butter up to the As cause you're supposedly one of them. Well, he's bi and I don't want you thinking you have a chance."

I stared wide eyed. I have no words honestly. This girl filled with jealous venom cozied up to me to be a serpent in the end? I knew this wasn't good news but damn. "Hey want to play volleyball?" Some guy yelled across the beach. I looked over then looked at Vikki one more time. "Wanna go, Veda?" Shocked the girl slowly nodded after a few seconds. The other girls gave us nasty looks I did the only thing I thought was right. I flipped them off.

"Hey, I hope I'm not intruding but I don't think those girls really care for you," me and Veda made a team for the volleyball match, two guys on the other side of the net.

"Oh, they totally didn't. I, I don't really know many people here and they were nice to me at first but..."

I slid across the beach trying to hit the ball, too bad it slipped from my hand. "Well if you like we can hang out instead. I don't have a phone though..." Realizing I had no way to contact her she piped up. "Um, I'm a rank B ability Esper that can connect people so I can contact you anytime. Ah someone called me a telephone poll."

"A telephone poll!?" I laughed and she did too.

We spent the next three hours going around and shopping, after failing miserably at volleyball. I learned she worked as a massage therapist and she had great taste in clothing. I also learned I apparently had horrible taste in clothes as she put it. I mean I don't typically walk like a model to the automobile repair shop. She also gladly informed me that winter is coming and during that time it would be so cold the palm trees freeze. I didn't really believe it since well it was so hot outside but I did hear of drastic changes in weather in parts of the world so just got to accept.

"Can you really manipulate the whole ocean?" She asked with sparkling eyes.

I raised a brow bag of clothes in one hand and a coconut in the other. "I've never tried, maybe? But wouldn't trying lead to unpleasant catastrophes?" We both shrugged.

I walked her home then went back to the manor myself.

"Where have you been!" Aito clambered down the stairs then paused, "and where did you get money!?"

"I wouldn't be on the run empty handed you know..." Deciding my logic made sense he then zoomed in on the coconut bystander. "A coconut?"

"Cool right? I was planning on eating it-"

"I'm afraid that's rotten, "Dawson and Rabby came down the stairs to ruin my dreams. So I carried a rotten coconut all day...what luck. Rabby plucked it from my clutch throwing it into a portal. Seriously where does it all go? Don't tell me he just portals it to a landfill. "We got fresh coconut in the kitchen."

Aito was looking through my bag of clothes by the time I got some coconut slices. "What's for dinner?" Rabby leaned against the counter. "Chinese," Aito informed smiling knowingly at me, my face flared and I turned around from him to hide. Knowing he's bi didn't really help me, as knowing that as a completely gay man just spurred me on. I wonder if these other guys are rainbow? "Chinese sounds wonderful," Rabby leaned down next to Aito but I couldn't see what he was doing cause I was focusing on the wall ahead. "Alright, any food allergies or dislikes Shiloh?" Dawson asked and then there were quiet shhh's behind me.

"I'm allergic to mustard, open to any food though..."

"Open to Arab and European food?" Rabby asked. I nodded not questioning it thinking they liked that type of food.

"Can I have gulab jamun for dinner?" Veer popped out of nowhere, sometimes I wonder who actually had the portal ability.

Later that night in complete pitch black I opened my eyes sitting up. I realized why Rabby had said that, he totally just did the same thing Aito did. Rabby is Arab and Dawson is European... I'm so stupid.

I blushed. I might be totally blind but I think there's something going on between all of the As...and I'm being recruited. I didn't hate it. My stomach did this weird flip and my heart began to pound.

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