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The following day I woke up on the armchair, the others were gone. I must've gone back to sleep again at some random point. Nothing magical happened after I commented on Dawson's age. I still couldn't pinpoint why I knew his birthday as I dug through my memory. Well, I knew it was around mine at least.

I shook my head from my thoughts hearing a noise in the kitchen.

Daisy was staring at the microwave burr looking like a dead zombie. And same.

"Morning," she all but rasped

"Morning, where's Veer?"

"He's not my kid, he left with his brother and the others this morning back to their home I suppose. Tired of me and me of them." She slurred blinking slowly. With a beep, she reacted faster than her appearance and began blowing on what smelled like coffee. "Oh," my stomach gave a silent growl to rumble my organs, thankfully unheard aloud. I mean I've only eaten cake the day prior.

"The guys should be getting you a place to stay, most rescued Esper stay on the island. OH, you don't even know what the island is yet do you?" She took a sip and instantly became energetic, what an addict. I shook my head slowly in thought.

An island?

"Well, it's the most secure place for us, top secret from the world too. We have a bunch of Esper who control keeping the place hidden from off the maps and satellites. There's apparently constant measure to make sure the island is never discovered. Spies can't even infiltrate, it's not uncommon for the guardians to be able to read minds/discover an anomaly with a glance." She made a big show with one hand stressing just how awesome this place is. I wonder why she's not there then...

"Spies?" I mused filling a cup with water. "Yeah, Esper's who work for the government." I made a weird face and she just shrugged, "Most likely unwillingly."

I drank my glass of water with a frown and went to the bathroom to freshen up grabbing my duffle along the way.

The faucet water clutched to my palms like I was its mother tugging me to join it into the drain. I glanced up, the mirror showcasing my untamed brown hair which I slicked back with some water. Some strands didn't stay touching my forehead naturally. I gave another sweep then rubbed my eyes getting the random loose eyelashes out before they decided to dive into my pupil. Having already brushed my teeth I did the finishing touches, splashing my face.

I pointed at the mirror with a dripping finger, "This is Insane." I said my facial expression remaining neutral. I splashed again. "Those guys are insanely hot," I chuckled a little mischievous knowing no one can hear me.

Wait. I looked around, side eyeing my surroundings. This is Esper territory, there might very well be someone who can hear me. "Ahhhg" getting the creeps I splashed my face five more times and changed my clothes into a fresh pair at lightning speed. Stop being paranoid.

"I got a call, Rabby will be picking you up in twenty," Daisy informed me when I left the bathroom. "Ok," I put on my shoes and went outside with my bag sitting down on the steps of the wooden porch.

Whoops, foster kid behavior is showing. I sighed looking at the sky briefly, the morning was warm but had a windy chill to it.

I turned around feeling a tap on my shoulder. Rabby stood behind me holding a sack with a big M on it. Food. I grinned taking it from his outstretched hand.

"The hand pie is mine," Rabby sat next to me. He very generously got me pancakes, sausage, and eggs. It was on a big platter, I stuffed the gross apple hand pie to him and dug into the breakfast.

I scooped some eggs with a plastic utensil. "Where would you be right now if 'this' didn't happen?" Rabby took a tiny bite of his hand pie.

I swallowed, "probably at work."

"Which do you prefer? Here or there?"

Do I prefer being treated like a criminal by human society on the run in the middle of some forest losing everyone I've ever met and never being able to go home?

"Hm probably here," I forked a sausage patty into my mouth. "Why?" He asked turning to look at me.

"I'm getting an awful lot of free food," I turned giving him a quick wink. And my inner soul is healing in the face of alluring men.

After I finished Rabby took my scraps and threw them into one of his portals. Wonder where it went. "Let's go," he said creating a bigger portal for us to go through. I stared, I'm totally not scared or anything. "This is completely safe, right? No side effects?" Rabby raised a brow, "that depends." Before I could say anything else Rabby pushed me- PUSHED ME!!!

I couldn't scream as I closed my eyes in silent horror. There was a snapping noise. I opened an eye, and Rabby stood there snapping his finger in my face a small smile on his mug. "We're here."

Looking around we were in a courtyard, beautifully grown plants were all around giving it a fresh look. Flowers bloomed in every crevice. Salt was in the air, an ocean all around I could feel it. "This is the island, and this is our home." Rabby pointed to the cozy tropical wooden manor behind me, looking well maintained. It was fascinating, reminding me of what you would see in a travel brochure. "Let me show you to your room, then we'll take you on a tour.

"Shiloh!" further in the distance I saw Aito's figure next to evidently Dawson at the manor entrance.


For some reason all my images on my stories keep disappearing :(

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