This was just a hug to comfort a tired person, that's all.


I dreamed of a little boy. I had definitely seen him before. Maybe he was a foster buddy. I know this boy was much older than me.

When I looked down my hands were small, and the only thing I could see about this boy was that I was facing his back and golden hair poured down from his shoulders, he was super tall compared to my chubby body. That's the only thing I remembered about this dream though. I know more happened but that's just the thing with dreams, you forget. Because it was only a dream.

I woke up with a severe sense of déjà vu. What woke me was talking and I must've been drooling because when I closed my mouth I could feel the way my skin cracked and wet under my lip. I was a bit disoriented not knowing where I was but then it all hit me. It was pitch black outside with only a lamp giving me vision. I looked down at Aito who looked up at me our noses almost touching. My eyes were wide, his were cheeky with a smile spreading across his face, he then turned his head whisper shouting, "You woke him up dipshit!"

I turned to see who he was talking to and lo and behold it was Dawson sitting on the armchair. His blonde hair looked to melt with the orange lamp's glow. He was grinning and waved tentatively. My face blazed the brightest color, it felt like it melted my eyeballs and brain because I couldn't even see past my thoughts. Untangling from Aito quickly before he could even tighten his hold I ran to the open hallway crashing into someone who blended into the dark, looking up it was Rabby who appeared to be walking causally but was interrupted. He gave a questioning raise of his brow gazing past me at the other two.

Through my embarrassment, I was dragged by Rabby back to the living room. I didn't resist already accepting my fate.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It's normal to hug," Aito was sitting up on the sofa yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Just... let's not ever bring this up," I said. That was the end of that conversation hopefully, I heard laughs from them and could only slump against the second armchair while Rabby leaned against the wall. I covered a hand over my eyes refusing to look up at them with the embarrassment I was feeling.

"Do you want to know what they were discussing with you knocked out?" After a few seconds of silence, Rabby suddenly asked, and before I could even respond, he answered it himself. While doing so he put a handkerchief on my chin and rubbed harshly. "They were saying how cute you were." I shrunk back from the harsh way he got the drool off my face. I flushed turning as radiant as a dying star.

"Rabby," Dawson said in a warning tone. Rabby smirked and I couldn't help but be completely at a loss. I have never in my lifetime been in this situation before. Suddenly the tv blared on drowning everything else out, Aito to the rescue this time I suppose. Everyone got sucked into a sitcom at two in the morning. Rabby eventually sat next to Aito and promptly passed out leaning on the same shoulder I once had. It was odd to see him look so peaceful.

Slowly my eyes drifted from them to Dawson. A visible cause for concern that sent alerts to my brain for reasons unknown. His hair reminded me of that kid I dreamed about not long ago which had me curious. "Dawson," he looked at me straight away. Feeling a little awkward now I couldn't hold his gaze, "Uh how old are you?"


I blinked, "26 in a month?"

He smiled and this time our eyes met. I found it completely abnormal that I even said that. "That's right," he said. The green luster of his iris appeared to glow.


Art of you know what

Art of you know what

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