Firebending Masters

Start from the beginning

Aang: What do you mean? Roku had a dragon, Suhara's fire-bending master is a dragon (Ghidorah popped out from the bowl he was eating in), and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid.

Zuko: Well they aren't around anymore okay?!

Aang: Okay okay, sorry. But there's got to be another way.

Ghidorah: Might I suggest the first people to who my kind taught fire bending.

Suhara: You're right.

Zuko: What did he say?

Suhara: Ghidorah suggests that you should go see where the first people learn from his kind.

Zuko: The Ancient Sun Warriors.

Suhara: Exactly.

Aang: Sun Warriors? Well, I know they weren't around when I was a kid.

Zuko: No, they died off thousands of years ago, but their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now. Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins.

Aang: It's like the monks used to tell me, sometimes the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.

Sokka: So, what? Maybe you'll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy, just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?

Zuko: More or less, either I find a new way to fire bend or the Avatar has to find a new teacher.

Aang then looks down, worried.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, Aang and Zuko got Appa ready to go on their field trip to the Sun Warrior ruins until they were stopped by the second prince.

Suhara: Wait! I'm coming with you guys.

Sokka: But why should you. Your fire bending is still good and you can all the... (Gestures with fingertip shooting) Pew pew pew! (Makes a dragon mouth with his hands) Roar! (Stick his chest to show strength) Dragon Power!

Suhara: It's because Aunt Wu told me that I will be told the secret to fire bending by its original users. And she didn't mean Ghidorah, it could possibly mean that there could be dragons still around even if-

Sokka: Even if what?

Suhara: Nothing. Besides, there are a few things I need to learn.

Katara: Okay.

Suhara: Sokka could you look after Sheba for now?

Sokka: Sure. (Sheba then walked to Sokka rubbing her head on his arm) But, what about Ghidorah? (Pointing at the dragon on Suhara's shoulder)

Suhara: His kind taught the Sun Warriors, it could be a visit home to him.

Toph: Good luck, (Hugs him) I love you.

Suhara: (Hugs back) I love you, too.

~ ~ ~

The Avatar and the two Fire Princes have been flying on Appa for a few hours over the ocean. Zuko was bored.

Zuko: We've been riding for hours. I don't know why, but I thought this thing would be a lot faster.

Appa growls.

Aang: Appa's right, Zuko. In our group, typically we start our missions with a more upbeat attitude.

Zuko: I can't believe this.

Suhara: Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.

They then see an island. Appa descended to land on some ruins. The ruins made Aang, Suhara, and Zuko full of awe. Ghidorah, on Suhara's shoulder, felt well at home.

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