Chapter 10

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Jin Ling and Sizhui walked down to where Sizhui had left Xue Yang. 

"where did you find him?" Xue Yang asked, after waiting for half an hour, thinking how he was going to win Xingchen over. 

"Oh, I found him on the roof" Sizhui simply answered. 

"Sizhui I better go, Xingchen must be waiting in the parking lot," Jin Ling was about to leave when Xue Yang spoke up, "wait I remembered, JingYi took the car, Sizhui, so we are left with no way home *turns to Jin Ling* can we catch a ride with you?" Xue Yang smirked, now he could give Sizhui and Jin Ling more time together, and he could spend more time with Xingchen. What a master mind he thought. 

"Sure I bet Xingchen will be glad, let's go he's waiting," Jin Ling pulled the boys out of the building. 

They were have a nice chat on the way to the parking lot, but all were astonished, Xingchen, was with Song Lan, and their arms were wrapped around each other, in other words hugging but intimately!

Jin Ling was enraged, didn't he like Xue Yang? Sizhui was also annoyed his friend had been trying to win over Xingchen, for a very long time. As for Xue Yang, his heart felt like a stone dragging him down. His Xingc-, no not his Xingchen, had gotten himself a boyfriend. 

"Sizhui, I remembered, we have to go somewhere, and can't go with them," Xue Yang's voice cracked, the one person he had loved had just gotten a lover. Sizhui only nods, and gave a half hearted smile, before he left with Xue Yang.

Xingchen saw it all, the way Xue Yang's face changed when he saw him in Song Lan's arms. Yes he had gotten a 'boyfriend', but it was because he didn't want to hurt Xue Yang, but he was pretty sure he had hurt him, and it also hurt him (XC). So Xue Yang did like him, and he ruined all the chances to be with him, he remembered how he became Song Lan's 'boyfriend'. 

Song Lan had come up to him during lunch and he stood on one of the tables. There he declared his feelings to Xingchen, and since he thought he had no chance with Xue Yang he accepted, and now they are together. Did he regret it? instantly but what could he do? And now both had broken hearts.

Xue yang and Sizhui were now out of sight. They  were at a park near the school. Xue Yang collapsed onto a bench, tears poured out of his eyes. Sizhui went to comfort him, because he knew how much Xingchen meant to Xue Yang.

He was angry but kept his cool, and comforted his friend. many tears were falling down, his eyes were red, and puffy. Sizhui kept hugging Xue Yang whispering sweet nothings into his ears to calm him down until he (XY) spoke up, "I really loved him, a-and I thought maybe one I day I would be with him, b-but n-now he has a-a b-boyfriend," Xue Yang was wailing at this point. 

his tears could probably fill a pool, "Xue Yang lets go back to the apartment, and I will cook you some food ok? and afterwards we will eat ice cream while watching a movie, we will even skip tomorrow ok? But you also don't know if that is his boyfriend you still might have a chance." Sizhui convinced Xue Yang, and they started walking home, when a car came in front of them. 

"Xue yang, oh my gosh what happened? Tell me who did this so I can show them not to mess with us." The person ran out of the car and hugged Xue Yang.

"Lets get in the car, and JingYi, sit in the back Xue Yang will tell you everything, let me drive," Sizhui spoke up. 

JingYi handed Sizhui the keys, and got in the back seat with Xue Yang. While Sizhui drove home, Xue Yang told him everything. He (JY) was angered, and wanted to beat Xingchen, but Xue Yang reminded him they were never anything. Fresh tears came rolling down his face, and JingYi comforted him, until the reached their shared house.

They were now at their shared house, and Sizhui parked the car. They got out, and into their house.

"Xue Yang, come here lets watch a few movies and skip tomorrow so you can be ready and refreshed for Wednesday, ok?" Sizhui was doing his best comforting his friend.

"No, I will get him one way or another, I need him to be mine." Xue Yang's cold, hurt voice was stern, and he was determined to make Xingchen his, "I better get some rest, so I can think properly and get him back."  JingYi and Sizhui tried to knock some sense into him, but he did not listen.

With Jin Ling

"Song Lan what are you doing here?" Jin Lings cold voice startled Xingchen. This had been a horrible idea.

"Well if you haven't noticed, I am his boyfriend." Song Lan replied with the same tone, as Xingchen face palmed in his mind, and started digging his own grave. This was not going to end well. 

"Xingchen, can I have a word with you." Not waiting for an answer, Jin Ling dragged Xingchen away from Song Lan.

"Jin Ling that is not the way you should treat my boyfriend." Xingchen semi scolded Jin Ling. Regretting it so much.

"What the frick Xingchen, really did you not see Xue Yang! You left him heartbroken, did you see his face, I can't be with you right now go back with you boyfriend and don't talk to me unless you have broken up with Song Lan and Xue Yang is your boyfriend." His words made Xingchen's face drop. Why did he have to go with this idea, it was so stupid!

Jin Ling didn't wait and just left. Xingchen went over to Song Lan, and said, "lets go." With no other words and a confused Song Lan they went back to Xingchen's shared apartment where Zizhen was waiting. 

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