Chapter 1

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"Jin Ling! This is the third time this week!" The teacher exclaimed, "I will not allow this kind of behavior, your grades have also been going down, please take a seat and see me after class." The teacher scolded, turning his attention back to the board.

Jin Ling only rolled his eyes at him and took his seat at the back corner. From a distance there was someone watching, Lan Sizhui.  He was the straight A student of the class. He was admired by many, and had the biggest crush on Jin Ling for 3 whole years.

(After class)

"Jin Ling come here, Sizhui please wait outside until I call you." Lan Sizhui nodded and headed out of the class room waiting to get called.

(Inside the class room)

"Jin Ling, if your grades don't go up by the end of this semester, you will fail my class, and I don't want that to happen, so I have come up with a solution," Jin Ling nods, " You are going to get tutored until you get your grades up." Jin Ling's mouth opened wide.

"You want me to get a Tutor?" A look of disbelief came over his face as he emphasized the word tutor.

"Yes you need one to get your grades up, and I already choose who is going to tutor you, Lan Sizhui." Once the name was out of the teachers mouth, Jin Ling didn't feel so unlucky. Lan Sizhui was the smartest and most handsome so it wouldn't be to bad.

"Ok fine," He scoffed, crossing his arms as the teacher called Lan Sizhui in.

"Sizhui come in," Sizhui comes in, "please take a seat," Lan Sizhui Sat down, and felt his hands start to get sweaty, since he thought he was in trouble.

"Jin Ling needs a tutor, and you will be his tutor. You guys can get everything else set up, you may leave now." The teacher finished, extending his arm towards the door.

The two boys got up, and walked out of the class room.
Lan Sizhui tried to stop himself from staring at Jin Ling. Jin Ling was wearing a bright yellow sweater, with a white top underneath, and  some tight leather black jeans. 

"So when would you like to meet up so I can tutor you?" Sizhui asked, finally looking at Jin Ling.

"Give me your number and I will text you when I have time, and even if I don't text you I will find you," Jin Ling answered, exchanging his phone with Sizhui. They both added there numbers in each others phones.

Sizhui looked down at his phone and saw Jin Ling had put his(JL) name as
'A-Ling' Sizhui felt his ears burn up. 

"Ok I am off, I will text you when you can tutor me." With a wink Jin Ling walked to his next class. Sizhui was stunned, but woke up to reality when he felt someone hit his head. Lan JingYi, his best friend, had hit him.

"Wake up, Yuan, do you want to be late?!"  Once JingYi finished Xue Yang appeared from behind.

"Yes lets go!" Xue Yang half dragged them to there next class. Who knew Xue Yang cared about school.
--------at their next class--------

Lan Sizhui sat in the middle of JingYi and Xue Yang, just before the bell rang. Ten minutes later Jin Ling comes into class nonchalantly. The teacher told him to get to his seat, and gave him detention because of how tardy he always was. Jin Ling only rolled his eyes, of course, and took his seat with Xiao Xingchen and Ouyang Zizhen. They were his best friends since childhood but Jin Ling had always been the trouble maker. 

The teacher went on with his class until the bell rang, and all the kids got up rushing towards the cafeteria. Once they all had their food they went to sit down.

Lan Sizhui was peacefully eating when he was called by a teacher. "Sizhui please come here for a moment," Lan Sizhui got up concerned.

"Sorry to bother, but could you please take over detention for the next 10 minutes? I have to get a few things set up for the next class, the teacher who was suppose to teach was feeling sick and left for home. I will be back in ten minutes but if I am not please just keep an eye on them." Sizhui nodded, and headed for the 'detention room'. He had completely forgotten Jin Ling was there along with 2 other boys from the football team.

Even though they weren't suppose to be talking they were, and Lan Sizhui got jealous when he saw one of the boys approach Jin Ling. Lan Sizhui then opened the door, and his presence was known. They all looked at him, but didn't take there seats, so Lan Sizhui had to make them sit.

"Please sit down, your guys detention is almost over, except you Jin Ling, you have an extra 10 minutes." Jin Ling didn't mind for he wanted to talk with Lan Sizhui. After the time was up for the 2 football players they left, but one of them winked at Jin Ling as he exited the classroom. Jin Ling's cheeks lit up lightly, and Lan Sizhui felt sad, angry, and jealous.

"You have 10 more minutes, you can leave after that." Lan Sizhui spoke up his words coming out dry. He sat down after closing the door behind the two football players

Jin Ling noticed, he also noticed Lan Sizhui's sad eyes. Without hesitation he got up and walked towards Lan Sizhui. Lan Sizhui was startled, and backed away as Jin Ling sat on the desk crossing his legs.

"Are you free after school? Cause I was thinking you could tutor me this afternoon, I have time from 4:30-7:30. We could meet up, what do you say." Jin Ling asked getting closer to Lan Sizhui's face, which was only a few inches away.

"Sure we can meet at the library I will wait for you there," Lan Sizhui then looked at his watch and continued, "your time is up you may leave now, see you at 1:30," with that Jin Ling got of the desk and headed towards the door blowing a kiss to Lan Sizhui before leaving.

"Ah Sizhui sorry I just got here, oh you took care of everything thank you." The teacher thanks him and Lan Sizhui walks out and into the cafeteria.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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