The Southern Air Temple

Start from the beginning

Aang: Okay.

Aang jumps down from the platform and starts running towards the trio. Katara then suddenly bended the snow above the rock to fall, covering the helmet and hitting Sokka on the head.

Aang: What is it?

Katara: Uh...just a new waterbending move I learned.

Aang: Nice one, but enough practicing. We have a whole temple to see.

Sokka: You know you can't protect him fovever.

The three of them followed Aang as he jumps around crazy at the Air Temple's main entrance.

Sokka: Katara, firebenders were here. You can't keep pretending they weren't.

Katara: I can for Aang's sake. If he finds out that the Fire Nation invaded his home, he'll be devastated.

Suhara: And if he finds out that my people were here and that they killed everyone he ever loved? He'll be devasted. Would he hate me?

Katara: Suhara, I don't think-

Aang: Hey guys! I want you to meet somebody.

The trio looks at Aang and see's him right next to a monk's statue.

Sokka: Who's that?

Aang: Monk Gyatso, the greatest air bender in the world. He taught me everything I know.

Aang bows at the statue as he remembers his past with Gyatso. Katara walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder before speaking.

Katara: You must really miss him?

Aang: Yeah...

Aang starts to walk away from the group, deeper inside the Air Temple.

Katara: Where are you going?

Aang: The Air Temple's Sanctuary. There's someone I'm ready to meet.

Katara looks back at Sokka and Suhara, they just shrug as they start to follow Aang.

~ ~ ~

Deeper inside of the Air Temple, the squad of four come face to face with a wooden door with a golden sigil on the center with three symbols of the Air Nomad logo around each other in a triangle formation.

Katara: But, Aang, nobody could have survived in there for a hundred years.

Aang: It's not impossible. I survived in the iceberg for that long.

Katara: Good point.

Suhara: Although that might be true, you were preserved inside the ice because of the effects of perfect cryostasis. If it weren't for the ice stopping everything in your body from aging due to freezing, you would've come out as a skeleton. Well, you and Appa.

The gang turns to Suhara and just looks at him with relative shock.

Suhara: (Confused) What? Did I say something weird?

Katara: No. It was just... wow...

Sokka: How do you know all this?

Suhara: I take pride in studying science and everything else.

Katara: I guess that makes you the smart one in the group.

Suhara: Thank you.

Aang: Katara, whoever's in there might help me figure out this whole Avatar thing.

Sokka: And whoever's in there might have a medley of delicious cured meats.

As he walks to the locked door and attempts to run to it, thinks it would open.

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