Chapter 7

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Naruto was finally 12, and he rushed to the academy all excited.

Today was the graduation test and today was the day he would get the Konoha headband.

"I can't be late today Dattebayo!" he muttered as he rushed over the roofs with mid-chunin speed.

Finally, he reached the classroom and he quickly opened the door only to find the class empty. The only people inside were Sasuke, Hinata, and a sleeping Shikamaru who woke up when Naruto opened the door.

"DON'T TELL ME I WAS SO LATE THAT EVERYONE ELSE FINISHED THE TEST!" yelled Naruto with a look of horror on his face as Hinata giggled.

"It's alright Naruto kun, you're just too early," she said as Sasuke chuckled. A small one, but well it counts.

"Oh thank god, I thought I was just panicking," he said as Shikamaru muttered troublesome and went back to sleep.


The tests were starting as Naruto got his written paper.

He noticed that the paper seemed too difficult for genin standards and though he knew the answers he put his finger on it and checked for chakra, finding some.

He looked at Mizuki who had handed him his paper and saw him smirking as Naruto made a clueless face while fuming inside.

He sneakily undid the Genjutsu as he noticed that he knew most of the answers. However, knowing what could happen if he passed with full marks, he purposely made a lot of mistakes and scored about 50%.

The next was the Taijutsu test, and once again, he scored just enough points against Mizuki to pass. however, he noticed that Mizuki tried everything in his power to make sure Naruto didn't pass.

The next test was the ranged weapon test, and Naruto got 7/10 in Kunai and 6/10 in shuriken, even though if he wanted he could easily get 10/10 in both.

Finally, it was time for Ninjutsu.

For this, each student had to perform the three academy jutsu, and they could not pass with just one or two, three were mandatory.

So everyone performed, a few failing, Shikamaru just doing the bare minimum, Kiba showing off his skills, and Sakura acting smug.

Finally, it was Naruto's turn, and he performed the jutsus. However, his clones were sealless, surprising many.

"That's great Naruto, you passed," said Iruka with a proud smile as Naruto grinned.

Sasuke just had a small smile on his face as he watched Naruto get his headband.

As for Mizuki, he was a little pissed at the occurrences.

Well, Naruto was definitely having a shit ton of Ramen today.


After a minor Mizuki episode where he tried to trick Naruto into getting him the forbidden scroll ending with him having the shit beaten out of him, the day was finally here.

"... Team Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno..." said Iruka as Sakura looked at Naruto with a frown.

"... And Sasuke Uchiha," Iruka completed as Sakura cheered and Sasuke looked irritated. 

'Wait, Naruto's in my team, it won't be that bad,' thought Sasuke as Naruto smiled at him.

As Iruka went on with the teams, Naruto took out his Seal level 9 book and started reading it.

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