Chapter 3

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Naruto was sitting in his house, meditating as his father had explained to him in his personal notes, while three clones were practicing Fuinjutsu. The house was extremely peaceful, and Naruto found that peace rather nice. 

Don't get him wrong, he still loved pranking and stuff, but he found this extremely soothing, almost therapeutic. No, not almost, completely Therapeutic. It also helped him retain more information when he went through the memories of his Shadow clone, and as his dad told him, he was starting to sense his own chakra.

'It's all across my body. And around my belly button, where the seal is, I can sense a mass of Chakra different than mine. I am guessing it's the Kyubi. But... while it's tainted with anger and hatred... I also feel oddly calm. And there's... pain... it's similar to mine... why is Kyubi in pain?' 

Naruto didn't have much time to think as he felt that chakra suppressing itself.

"Well... I promise I will befriend the Kyubi. Not because dad asked me for it, but because I don't want anyone to suffer. Though I need to ask him... or is it her? Whatever, why they killed my mom, dad, and countless other innocent victims," muttered Naruto as he got up and prepared for school.


It was time for the Academy Taijutsu, and Naruto felt a little nervous.

'I have completely ignored Taijutsu up until now... shit!' he thought as he stood against Sasuke, the 'prodigy'.

Everyone that was cheering was there for Sasuke, and Naruto felt even more nervous than that. That is, until he heard, 'all the best Naruto kun'.

Wide-eyed, he turned to the spectators, where he saw Hinata looking down shyly. However, there was no mistake. Hinata was the one to say it.

'Thanks, Hinata. I won't let you down!'

As they both made the spar sign, Sasuke felt an unease.

'Why am I feeling... nervous? It's just Naruto, right? He's the dead last, the one who sucks at everything. But then... why?'

Sasuke didn't have time to think as the spar started and Naruto rushed in, and Iruka mentally facepalmed.

'While he did get better, he still jumps in without thinking,' he thought as Naruto missed Sasuke by a large margin, as his right hook was dodged by Sasuke.

What neither expected was Naruto to use that momentum and spin-kick Sasuke using his left leg straight in the face sending him into the air.

Naruto did not spare an instance as he went in for a punch which Sasuke grabbed and due to being mid-air, he was easily able to absorb the blow by getting pushed backward. (It wouldn't be possible on the ground due to the friction of the leg and the ground, but in the air, the drag is very less and... I don't want to go all sciency)

Naruto ran towards Sasuke only for Sasuke to jump up and try to kick him but Naruto front-flipped and both their legs clashed sending both backward falling onto the ground.

'He's too good!' both thought at the same time as they both rushed at each other with Sasuke trying to hit Naruto in the stomach and Naruto trying to hit Sasuke in the chest. 

Both attacks landed causing them both to yell as they both stood there for a moment, and then slumped onto each other's fists getting to their knees.

"That hurt a lot," groaned Naruto as Sasuke... just groaned.

"That's enough, it's a tie. Now get back to your positions," said Iruka as Naruto noticed Sasuke's eyes.

'That look... that's what everyone gives me in the village. No... it's stronger than that. And it's not for me...' thought Naruto as he moved forward close to his ears.

"Calm down Sasuke..." said Naruto in the most serious tone he could, causing Sasuke's eyes to widen.

'What is he talking about!'

"You're angry... calm down," said Naruto as he got up and walked back to his position.


"Now both make the unison sign," said Iruka as both Naruto and Sasuke moved towards each other and made the sign.

However, Sasuke was glaring at Naruto coldly, but Naruto just... smiled.



It was the evening and Naruto was going back to his house (apartment) after training, when he saw Sasuke sitting on the bank of the river.

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, and they both stared at each other for a moment, until Naruto decided to approach him.

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto said as he got down and sat next to him.


"No need to be angry," said Naruto with a deadpan.


"Come on man, speak something," Naruto said frustrated.

"Leave me alone," said Sasuke as Naruto looked at him, with an emotionless face.

"So I guess you're okay with sitting alongside fangirls in class," said Naruto getting up as Sasuke's face morphed into one of horror.

"ON THE SECOND THOUGHT... I guess I could give you a little bit of my time in exchange for sitting next to me and keeping them away," said Sasuke panicking.

"Wow, never saw you panic like that," said Naruto sitting back next to him.

"Tch. You don't know the torture of having 0 privacy," said Sasuke with an irritated look.

"Yeah, I know..." said Naruto with a sigh.

"Are you disappointed that you don't have fangirls?" asked Sasuke, exasperated.

"I'm just... at least you're accepted by people you know. You're not a 'thing' unlike me," said Naruto as he looked at a flying eagle.

'A... thing. Is that how he feels? I know that the villagers don't like him, but it shouldn't be that bad... right?'

As Sasuke thought this, an image popped into his head. It was of a younger Naruto running away from villagers, yelling for help. That day his brother disappeared for a few hours and then came back. But he could distinctly remember Itachi telling Sasuke to look away.

'No way... the fox hunt... it wasn't for a real fox, it was for Naruto!'

"Anyways Sasuke, I've got to go. You know, before some assholes find me. 10th October is pretty close," said Naruto getting up as Sasuke looked towards him.

'I need to know more about him. THAT'S IT! THE LIBRARY!'


Hello everyone, hope you all liked the chapter. 

And I know, I don't have a GREAT pilot or first chap and a fast-paced start but bear with it, please.

Anyways, please vote, comment and share.

piano2099 out

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