Clark vs Edge

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(Clark arrived near Crater Lake and scanned the area with his x-ray vision until he noticed a shadowy figure in the woods)

Clark: "Edge.."

Morgan Edge: "Kal? Is it you? After all these managed to find me."

(He emerged covered in sharp tree like twigs and knife esque sharp objects all over his body)

Clark: "Something's happened to you. I thought you were dead until yesterday."

Edge: "I see you haven't changed much over the years. I however, I've evolved."

Clark: "I can see that."

Edge: "How's your parents, these days? And that little girlfriend of yours who killed one of my men?"

Clark: "Don't you talk about them!"

Edge: "Not to mention...your crazy best friend...Lex."

(Clark's eyes lit up and blasted heat vision which Edge deflected with a shield of sharp objects)

Edge: "Good try, Kal. But I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

(He morphed his fist into Kryptonite and punched Clark, sending Clark flying into a tree)

Edge: "I delivered Lionel your blood once. Now, he'll be delivered the rest of you."

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