The Tumbler Ride

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(The Yellowish Tumbler drove down the streets of Smallville in the middle of the day, people looked at it on the sidewalk in surprise and confusion)

Alfred: "Much more subtle."

(Clark shifted awkwardly between Alfred and Lucius)

Alfred: "Might I interest you in a tangerine?"

Clark: " thank you."

Bruce: "He's lying, Alfred. He loves orange juice."

(Clark glared at him not that Bruce noticed since he was focused on driving)

Lois: "This is one of my fantasies come true! Can I push a button?"

Bruce: "No."

Lois: "C'mon Batty Buzz Kill not even a.."

Bruce: "I'm trying to concentrate, Lois. Last time I drove a car like this, I caused more damage than I wanted to."

Lucius: "Then you triggered the self destruct mechanism, Mister Wayne."

Bruce: "I had to."

Lucius: "I'm sure you did. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it."

Clark: "He crashed his bike too."

Lucius: "What?!"

Bruce: "Oh come on..that was your fault for standing in the middle of the ro.."

Lois: "Hey Alfred, I'll have a tangerine."

Alfred: "Nevah."

(Hands her one)

Lucius: "You certainly have a way of going through vehicles, Mister Wayne. I'm hesitant about giving you The Bat."

Bruce: "...hey speaking of self destruct mechanisms remember to type in your name?"

(Lucius shifted uncomfortably)

Lucius: "I did."

Clark: "Where are we even going again?"

(Lois turned to him and shrugged while smiling sweetly with a mouth full of tangerine)

Alfred: "Master Wayne I um...I have a bit of a confession to make myself.."

Bruce: "Excuse me, I'm trying to observe the rules of the road, Alfred."

Alfred: "Yes..much appreciated but there's something important I should probably.."

Lucius: "I still can't believe you turned every cell phone in Gotham into a microphone."

Bruce: "And high frequency generator receiver."

Clark: "Okay..can I please get out now?"

(Bruce sighed and stopped the car)

Lois: "Something the matter, Smallville? Want the rest of my tangerine?"

Alfred: "..I've got a couple more."

Clark: "It's not that I..just would rather walk instead of...whatever this is."

Bruce: "We gotta find this man, Clark."

Clark: "That much I understand. But I just need..please let me out okay? Please?"

Alfred: "Open the door, sir. And Miss Lane, here's some bloody sun tan lotion."

(Bruce sighed and opened the door, Clark super speed ran out and onto the sidewalk)

Bruce: "You should probably go with him, Lois."

Lois: "What? Why, you heard him. He doesn't want was having a great time in here."

Bruce: "Something tells me, you'd have a better time by hearing him out."

Lois: "..what makes you say that?"

Bruce: "...let's just say I know what it's like miss out on things like this..and you two have a chance here. A chance to happy. I won't be the one that prevents that."

(Alfred looked down in sadness, Lucius put a supportive hand on his shoulder)

Lois: "....okay byyeee!"

(Hops outside)

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