Getting to know each other

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(Batman's eyes opened and collapsed on the road, he groaned and slowly stood up)

(Clark had tried to help him up but it hadn't worked too well)

Clark: "Sorry."

Batman: "You're not a cop."

Clark: " Are you?"

Batman: "Do I look like a cop?"

Clark: "..definitely not. Who are you? Why were you driving so fast? Are you drunk?"

Batman: "I wish."

(He clutched his side and leaned against a fence, catching his breath, clearing his mind)

Batman: "Nice jacket."

Clark: "Oh. Thanks. I probably wear it too much. Maybe I ought to take a page out of your fashion book one day."

Batman: "Don't. You don't wanna end up like me. Trust me."

Clark: "You still haven't explained the Halloween costume."

Batman: "Don't worry. I don't plan on wearing it much longer."

Clark: " come?"

Batman: "You wouldn't understand."

Clark: "..try me."

Batman: " whole world...was recently turned upside down. I lost...someone. But that...that wasn't the end of it. I take the fall...for someone else's actions...someone I wish I could have called my friend."

Clark: "'ve been in the news..haven't you? I thought I saw..."

Batman: "You better believe... I've been in the news. Why? You a reporter or something?"

Clark: "Actually.."

Batman: "The city...I'm from...kinda lives in it's own little world. I doubt this...nice looking farm town would even pay attention to the sort of thing that happens in..."

Clark: " can trust me."

(Batman eyed him closely, realizing simply by looking at him that this wasn't like what happened to Harvey...far from it...he was someone like Jim, Alfred or Lucius...someone he could trust...someone dare he even good?)

Batman: "Gotham. I'm from the city of Gotham."

Clark: "Oh! Do you know Bruce Wayne? I've heard a couple of things about him."

Batman: "....I never heard of.."

(Clark's x-ray vision turned on by accident all of a sudden)

Clark: "Ah!"

Jor-El: "My son, it is imperative that we move things along."

(Clark saw Batman's face underneath)

Clark: "Wait..are you...Bruce?"

Batman: " peaked. Peeping Tom."

Clark: " heh..sorry."

Smallville/The Dark Knight (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now