The Talon

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(Lois caught up with Clark on the sidewalk)

Lois: "Clark wait! Don't go bl..running off on me!"

Clark: "Lois? What happened to having the time of your life in that..whatever it's called."

Lois: "Tumbler? I know. Sounds like a website or something."

Clark: "Yeah..look Lois I can't do this right now.."

Lois: "...sorry. You know, Clark I'm not sure why you're trying to avoid me just because I was offered a cool car ride.."

Clark: "It's not that. I just wasn't..prepared for all this minute, I'm running home to get changed, the next a rich man dressed as a.."

(Clark noticed people walking around them)

Clark: "...twenty dollar.. bill.."

Lois: "Very creative, Smallville. You ever consider writing something besides kitten adoption fairs?"

Clark: "Lois..please...I'm just trying to process things right now. And this whole thing..with Morgan Edge...I guess it has me a little.."

Lois: "...on edge?"

(Clark let a chuckle slip out which made Lois smile)

Lois: "I get it. It's tough being a superhe...I mean helicopter."

(Clark gave Lois a confused glance before entering the Talon which was nearby)

Chloe: "Hey guys! Just so you know..there's no one staying in the basement right now."

Lois: "Uh...good to know, cuz. I'm gonna make a cup of Java. Want some, Smallville? Something to take the Edge off?"

(Clark could not with her anymore)

(She playfully punched his shoulder and went over to make coffee)

Chloe: "Looks like things are going okay between you two. You confess your love yet?"

Clark: "Look don't even start. I met someone today. Someone who has history with Morgan Edge and wants to find him."

Chloe: "Didn't Lex kill him back when he was..?"

Clark: "Just before he was sent to Belle Reve. But this guy from..from out of town seems to think Edge's still alive somehow. I was hoping maybe you could help me track him down."

Lois: "Oh crap!"

(Spills coffee in the background)

Chloe: "Um..Clark my techno skills are on a bit of a hiatus at the moment. Maybe your new friend will have more luck...who shall remain nameless?"

Clark: "Please Chloe..don't ask me anymore about him. He's already taken a huge risk just by being here. Not to mention his other friends."

Lois: "Oh you should've seen it Chloe. It was this huge ass tank! Made me wonder whether I used to go out with the wrong billionaire."

(Clark was both appalled and a little jealous)

Chloe: "Wait..our mystery a billionaire...? And he drives a tank?"

Clark: "See Lois this is the part about secret identities."

Lois: "What? It's just Chloe. We're already friends with one spandex clad billionaire superhero what's one more?"

Chloe: " say?"

(Gives Clark a delighted look, Clark frowned)

Lois: "Wait! I can't remember if we already told each other..about knowing..that Oliver's Green Arrow...but whatever. It's out in the open now!"

Clark: "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear it, Lois."

(She gave him a sarcastic head tilt)

Chloe: "Speaking of Oliver maybe you should ask him about your extracurricular conundrum."

Lois: "Great idea. Bet I could seduce the answers out of Ollie."

(She gave Clark a long stare, searching for any sign of jealousy)

Clark: "Nice try, Lois. Thanks Chloe."

Lois: "Bye cuz!"

(They bump into each other on their way out the door)

(Chloe heard a blast of energy come from the basement and Chloe went to check)

Jor-El: "Do not bother, Miss Sullivan. I have sent Doomsday to the Phantom Zone permanently."

Chloe: ""

Jor-El: "I have saved Jimmy Olsen's life."

Chloe: "...oh thank you."

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