Gears Begin to Turn

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They remained silent as they walked home, Izuku picking up his backpack first. Silence was all that greeted them as they navigated Mustafu, eventually getting through the door. Shinsou would not let this go. "You owe me an explanation."
Annoyed, he finally took off his helm. "So do you, for following me. I'll start with my own, but I want to know why you placed yourself in danger by tailing me."
Shinsou didn't answer, which prompted him to ask, "Can I trust you to tell the truth?"
The violette whirled around to get in his face. Her eyes blazed with fury at the implicit accusation. "You've already lied to me once today! If anything, it's you who can't be trusted."
To his credit, Midoriya didn't back down. Then again, he just stood up to death machines an hour before. "I can't just tell you everything without knowing if you are trustworthy first. But you've forced me to do so. So that's why I ask, how can I trust you to tell you everything now?"

The standoff lasted a minute before... Hizoshi backed down. "I'll keep quiet..."
"Alright..." He gestured for her to sit down on the sofa, and she did so. "I was going to tell you all of this eventually, regardless, after your training." He called out. "Revan!"

"Yes?" He materialized in front of them.

"Pull up a hologram of the droid."
The hologram nodded, before waving his hand. "Done."
On the table, a hologram of a weird looking machine appeared. It was embedded into the ground, and clearly not designed to walk. Shinsou immediately recognized it from when she followed Izuku the first time, and from their walk home tonight.
"Ok, we've seen this before. What even is that?"
Izuku explained. "This is an Advanced Vulture Droid. It has self repairing capabilities and is prioritizing repairing an emergency beacon."
Shinsou was amazed. It was so advanced compared to anything else. "That thing is a droid?"
"It's a machine from space. Yes, aliens are real. Revan is technically an alien AI."
Revan interjected, "A gross simplification, but it's true."

Izuku continued. "After I was nearly flattened by its crash, I found this place. Revan explained everything about the galaxy, the force, and the threat that droid has placed on our planet. I've already tried destroying that droid. It keeps repairing itself from destruction... After it's fully repaired, it will send for its owners... and they will enslave us. Neimoidians have a terrible reputation for a reason. I am the only one who understands this, so I have to unify the world."
Shinsou paled, now realizing the problem at hand. "Why not do another method?"
Izuku shrugged. "My first method was being a hero, but even then it's too long. It's expected to be online in less than two years."
That... was even worse. "Oh god..."
"Exactly. I don't like having to do this, but it's the only plan I've got. So... are you with me?"
She glanced up to him. "... do I have a choice?"
"You do. You have three. You would technically be the first person I've given the choice to."

She widened her eyes. Her surprise apparent. "Really?"
"Yeah. Mom's doing what I ask without question, but I don't really trust anyone yet to ask."

"Except me?"
Izuku smiled slightly, "You followed me because you were worried, right?"
Rolling her eyes, she agreed with that. He was one of the most trustworthy people she knew. Was being the key word. He was still nice, but he lied. "Well... yeah... you go off in a different direction to your home after you nervously tell me your needed somewhere..."
"Ah... right..."

Even with all the revelations... his actions in the dark... Hizoshi still remembered that day when they met. How her quirk didn't determine who she was. Even now, he didn't think that way. And, even if he's working with villains, he's doing so for a good cause. That was what won her over, in the end. "I'll help."
Izuku seemed resigned to the worst outcome. His previous quirkless nature really not helping... leading to him starting... "I knew you'd go to the hero... wait, you will?"
She explained why, "You're right. If this threat is real, which it is, I've seen the droid. Under two years? Hero course won't cut it."

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