Chapter 8- New beginnings pt. 2

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It had been about a week since me and Anthony meet Alastor, I helped him with his radio show since well Anthony was never really into it as much as me, it's fun to do it. What I would not expect later that day tho.. something that I would hate for the rest of my life. After doing his radio show as usual I wave bye and leave but after I got just out of his block, I couldn't feel anything in my body, like something else was controlling me "Ha ha ha ha ha" said the voice inside my head "I told you I would use you as a puppet" I started to freaked out, I had no clue what this thing's intentions are and I really wanted to know. After what seemed like 5 to 10 minutes, I had control again but what this thing did was horrifying, I look down and see it had killed someone and the blood was all over me, my eyes were wide, I didn't want anyone to see me. All I wanted to do in the moment was disappear.. I run hastily to a alleyway and grab something to clean it of, I didn't care what it was I just wanted the blood off me. Eventually I do get it off enough to where no one would see it, I then run back to the house and go to my room to change. I was only 14 when this happened and obviously I was scared out of my mind but I hid it from everyone that I was scared of what might happen.

The next day was nice for Alastor and Anthony I mean, I over heard Alastor confess to Anthony and I smiled happily. I wanted to scream 'My ship sails!' but they wouldn't understand why I said it, I smile at the both of them, Third wheelin' a bit but I didn't say anything cause this was my brother's moment so I let him have it. They seemed really happy together and obviously I couldn't ruin it, I walk somewhat away to give them some space so I walk into Al's radio studio. I sit down in the spiny chair he has and well I spin in it cause I was bored, I think to myself on something I may be able to do to pass the time. I grab onto the crystal in my pocket and close my eyes, I knew I could already see what others couldn't or hadn't seen but I was very bored, when I open my eyes again I could see a world without bounds and it seemed very colorful and bright. I put my hand out in a random direction and a hole in time opens, I go over to it and look into it, it was interesting to watch it all play out.


After a few years or so, I get a job at a casino since I was finding a interest in gambling, I go in the casino the first day and see two people at the bar. One person I recognize while the shorter one behind the bar I did not "Ah hello there" Alastor said and I smile "Hello Alastor" I say politely, then look at the one behind the bar, I walk over to him "May I ask your name sir?" I ask the short man behind the bar "Name's Husk" he says while he was drinking a bottle of booze. I never really got the propose of drinking alcohol but people do what people do "Nice to meet you!" I say in my usual happy tone "Yea.. whatever" he says sluggishly, I didn't mind and I turn my attention to Alastor "So Al, what brings you here?" I ask curiously "Well Husk here is a friend of mine so I came here to have a little chat with him" he says with his usual wide smile


The days after that were fun, I got to know Husk a bit and it was just to gamble with him if we were off shift and could go to the blackjack tables, that's what we loved the most out of all to gamble at. I wore a white shirt and a blue vest over top of that, I also had a light blue skirt on with striped socks and bright blue shoes. Husk wore a black shirt with a red vest and black pants with that, he also had dark red shoes on and a little hat on. I was smaller than him as I was to most people and I was about 4'6 so I was pretty short for a 19 year old.

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