Blood Diamond Bio

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Name/Gem: Moussaieff Red Diamond/Blood Diamond(former) (Mahenge Spinel(after reforming)), Rory (given by Steven as he had a hard time saying Mahenge)

Nickname(s): Red(Diamonds), Mahenge(Crystal Gems/former)

Weapon: Claws (summoned), Scythe (non-summoned, forged by bismuth)

Gender Pronouns: She/Her

Romantic Orientation: Female

Gem Placement: Sternum

History/Backstory: Created by the Diamonds on a planet in constant conflict to put an end to the rebellion on Earth in Era 1.

Personality: Curious by nature, loves fun, and the Earth after Pink/Rose showed her the wonders on the planet, and mischievous, acts like a child as she was recently made as well and keeps it after she reforms into a Mahenge Spinel after Pinks "shattering" though her childlike nature is more tamed as she knows when to be serious.

Physical Description: 0.2 meters taller than Pink and two feet shorter after they reformed taking on their new identities on Earth. In her Diamond form, she has red skin and shoulder-length rose-colored hair and ears resembling a cat and a tail, and her eyes are scarlet-colored with white elongated diamond pupils, she wore a crimson fighters vest with a deep v-shaped neckline exposing her trilliant cut gem on her sternum, small two plated maroon pauldrons on their right shoulder that stopped at their upper tricep, scarlet form-fitting pants and cherry knee-high boots, and a blood-red cape draped on their left shoulder. In her Mahenge Spinel form, she has red skin with scarlet hair tied in a high ponytail, scarlet eyes, she wears a crimson open crop top jacket over a scarlet spaghetti crop top, raspberry cargo pants, and vermillion combat boots.

Height: Diamond Height 3.8 meters, height after reforming 6'2"

Special skill/power(?): Shapeshifting, extreme flexibility, bubbles, razor-sharp claws, heightened reflexes, natural-born fighter, and more powerful than Jasper even in her current form, pyrokinesis.


Ranking: Diamond(former)
Origin: Unnamed War planet kindergarten
Alliance: Homeworld (former), Crystal Gems (Current)
War status: Made during the War and to stop the war.
Thoughts on Steven: Sees him as her nephew.
Current Residence: Beach City, Earth.


Who do they get along with the best: Spinel and Lapis
Who do they get along with badly: White Diamond and Jasper
Likes: Fusion, Earth, Eating, Crystal Gems, Steven, Connie, Greg, Beach City residents, Beach City.
Dislikes: Diamond Authority, Kevin
Romantic Interest: Spinel and Lapis (I know y'all like monogamy but, there's something I want to explore)
Did they know Rose Quartz?: As she is a Diamond herself, very much so.
Opinions on Eating: Eats regularly with Amethyst


Fusion Standing: Open to it
Fusions and Partners: Lapis(Apatite), Spinel (Kunzite), Amethyst(Charoite), and Rose Quartz(Rhodolite Garnet)
Fusion Dance Style: Jazz
Favorite Gem to fuse with: Spinel and Lapis(close second)
Permafusion: No
Why do they Fuse?: Fun and Love, battle if needed
Regular Fuser? Or not that often?: Regular

OC template by Karilya on DeviantArt
Hopefully, I'll have images of what she looks like in the future. Sorry if it gets a bit wordy, I tend to overexplain or ramble.

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